Caribbean Island Hopping with the Goose

As a little appetizer for the upcoming update of the Grumman Goose G21A Redux II by OZWookie I have created a bush trip that mainly uses seaplane bases in the Caribbean.

The flight starts in Punta Cana and ends on Saba island (real challenge to land the Goose there). On your way you will fly over Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands (both British and US) and Saint Martin.

Caribbean Island Hopping Bush Trip » Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Will there be water masks? (That Goose looks very promising!)

That Goose is already available. It’s just an update :slight_smile:

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…and downloaded! Nice!

Awesome and thanks for you effort on this! Looking forward to trying it out!

What exactly do you mean by that? This is a bush trip, not scenery.

This is what I mean:

Fajardo Seaplane Base does seem to have a water mask applied. Also some islands along the way seem to have one as well as Punta Cana.