For the 152 fans, here’s a bit of long distance inspiration - Canada to South Africa, with a incredibly gutsy hop from St. John’s to the Azores. 66 gal aux tank, 150 ft reel antenna for ARINC and 500 lbs over MTOW. Some amazing vignettes but the best part is the disbelief when distant fields ask him to repeat type aircraft.
“taking 14 hours to cross from St. Johns to Santa Maria in the Azores - a ground speed of about 95 knots”
■■■■ with nothing but water in sight!
Is this a typo or am I not understanding how the wind works / helps
“The weather was perfect with the help of a 20-knot headwind”
How is a headwind helping to get somewhere?
Probably a typo.
Amazing story, thanks for sharing.