From Drone to Cockpit, how to?

msfs-2020 and msfs-2024
Hello pilots,

I’ve never found a shortcut pas go from/to Drone view to Cockpit view in one key stroke.
I always need to cross the external view to switch from one to the other Drone/Cockpit view.

And major part of time, back from Drone view to Cockpit required I use the FS view menu, else impossible to back to the cockpit.

Thanks for your help !

In your MSFS controls settings, there should be a command ‘toggle drone view’ or ‘toggle drone camera’ or similar (don’t have MSFS open atm). I have simply placed the ‘D’ key for this command. When I’m in the cockpit I press ‘D’ and it switches to drone mode. I press D again and it’s back in the cockpit.

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Thanks, sorry

Hooo, right, they is many options with a near names and I’ve get the bad one, thanks a lot you save my life !!!

Hi there @Ijonesfr

It is also possible to assign a key or button to control the plane in drone mode

Look for “toggle plane controls” and press button or key in the primary select .

As you can see i have assigned the Z+A keys pressed together for this.

Have fun

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Thanks a lot perfect, running well

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