From XBox to Pc

When it comes to GPU I recommend choosing a Gigabyte model due to its high-quality coils, which do not produce coil whine like those of other manufacturers.

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Taking advantage of some free time, I’ve selected a PC setup for you (excluding the monitor). The highlights include an excellent case and CPU cooling with an offset designed for Ryzen CPUs X3D series.

I chose the above-mentioned PC components on the Italian version of Amazon as I believe that’s the one you use, right?


FYI, AIO I selected on Amazon can also be purchased directly from the manufacturer, taking advantage of the “23 Years of ARCTIC” discount. On the manufacturer’s website, you’ll pay €76.15 + €5.99 shipping costs, for a total of €82.14.
Liquid Freezer III 360 | Multicompatible All-in-One CPU Water Cooler | ARCTIC

On Amazon, the same cooling system costs €79.51 + €10 shipping costs, for a total of €89.51.

The difference between the two options is €7.37, with the manufacturer’s website being the cheaper option.

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So finally i managed to buy all…just the RAM i mad an error…i bought these, can you tell me if they are ok?

That RAM is on the MSI Mag Tomahawk WiFi motherboards QVL.
So it should be fine. The only potential issue might be clearance under the air-cooler. I had a similar issue, but the fan design allowed me to offset it enough to clear the RAM. Also, the Phantom Spirit 120SE is designed for better clearance.

These are memory modules specifically designed for setups with AMD CPUs, as indicated by the “NEO” in their name. These are the modules I recommended to you, so they will work perfectly. The ones you’re purchasing differ from the ones I suggested by lacking RGB lighting, but that’s not an issue at all.

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Looking fir monitor now…is this ok???

tnx for your support <3

Hmmm, buying a 4070 GPU for almost 1k, 5 days away from the rtx 5000 announcement? You really think that a smart move :thinking:?

Some people like UltraWide screen monitors. I don’t, because the sim doesn’t handle the left and right area projections well, and the image gets distorted. Other Windows apps will look fine.

I had an UltraWide and changed to a 32" 16:9 (mon-WideScreen) monitor.

Also, it’s a 2K monitor. The computer you’re putting together should be able to do 4K. I would look for a 4K monitor instead. It will still run 2K fine if that’s what you choose to fly with.

That monitor has HDR10 - that’s good. It’s not the best HDR level, but you pay a lot more for those. And since the sim uses HDR10 you’d be fine with that HDR level.

Finally 144Hz AMD FreeSync will be fine. It will work with your nVidia card, as long as you connect it to the computer with DisplayPort, not HDMI.

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I would not buy the 5000, i did not even buy the 4080

I was going to mention the same point. Not that you want the 5000 $$$$ series but maybe will be price drops on the 4000 series.

PS I have the 3070ti and it is barely adequate. Read the VRAM bug posts. Think you need 16GB. Next year I will need a new computer and it will definitely have a GPU with 16GB.

The 4070 is 16gb :smile:

Yeah a small price drop will there…but, you know, hipe!

Presumably you got the ‘ti’ version then?

It will be interesting to see what the 5070 ti will be like. Probably not far off the 5080 in performance terms. Nvidia is making us wait a bit for this one no doubt because the performance to price ratio is likely much better than the 5080.

YEP TI SUPER as in the link in the previous post

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I ummed and ahhed about getting one of these myself recently (Nov '24) or the 4080 Super or the AMD 7900xtx.

I eventually decided to wait for the 5000 series. Not long to wait to see if I made the right or wrong decision.

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now…i am wondering if i’ll be able to assemble everything myself…it’s 20 years i don’t do it

Yeah, I could not get one on my board. The build I have was for my other hobby (astrophotography) and MSFS 2024 came later. I could not add the 4000 series to this motherboard according to ASUS.

My build worked fine for 2020 and never noticed any problems. But 2024 has required a lot of adjustments and still runs worse for me. I think your card is the true minimal standards.

I’ve recently been in a similar position but bottled out and decided to buy a custom built one from CyberPower. That said, I am very pleased with it.

I am sure you will be okay though. Just do your homework and set aside plenty of time :slightly_smiling_face:


Humm, maybe better to buy fully build than worry if I have the paste on right? This looks reasonable:

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Which windows procedure to follow?

Oooh this topic could be really handy for me too, im looking to change from Xbox series X to pc this year, i want to go VR with it (in for a penny in for a pound)
My spending limit will be ÂŁ5k all in