Hi, I would like to understand another thing better if it is possible… it has been said that all 2020 planes will be adapted to 2024… but to make this possible for each of these planes it will be necessary to release an update to make it usable in the 2024 or can it still be simply used in fs 2024 with its 2020 model ? for example, has the DC3 fs2024 the same model as the 2020 one? or the series of historic planes fs 2020 present in the aviator edition…? If u use a plane made for fs 2020 … can you take advantage of the new flight model offered by fs 2024? thanks
Apparently they need to be updated, at the very least just the config and json files would have to have language that 24 could see. It’s probably more involved than that, possibly just running it through a conversion tool for developers as an ‘easy peasy’ version, or making the time investment to work in actual 2024 improvements and feature capability rather than a simple port. Asobo obviously has a plan for all of their included and payware native aircraft.
They haven’t mentioned any reciprocity to 2020 from 2024 features, but it’s highly likely whatever they can glean from 2024 into 2020 would be done to streamline maintaining both products.
They’ve had some long-term junkers like the 350i, curious to see if they port it in its sad state or give a full makeover, I thought they claimed everything gets working doors and they all get the tablet. Plus a few new avionics suites. Hard to say if they add working doors if it rolls right back to the 2020 versions, considering it’s obviously capable of that, versus say new engine modeling and avionics that might not be transferable.
The Marketplace sample has listings for both FS2020 and FS2024 in the new sim, though, which strongly implies FS2020 planes can be utilized without being updated as long as they’re tested and approved for Marketplace.
And hopefully Community folder FS2020 planes will just work, or at least you can try them and see if they’ll work.
My question is whether FS2020 planes will fly exactly as they did in FS2020? I’m assuming that since early FS2020 planes had to be updated to take advantage of CFD, that’s how it’ll work – 2020 planes will have the old flight model and not gain anything from the FM enhancements of FS2024.
In other Xbox Studios productions, vehicles are carried over with minimal graphics upgrades at least until the console generation changes. So I expect 2020 planes that carry over to look much like the prior versions, but with new 2024 features.
And when a new Xbox generation comes, they will likely start remodeling all planes anew.
Edit: Meant to reply to the OP!
I’m pretty sure they said all the aircraft will have working doors meaning they went over them at least for that. The art will likely be the same. They’re also using far more data points in the FM which may not transfer back to 2020 in a meaningful way.
They showed the conversation process at one point claiming it took an hour for the most basic port. They essentially outlined the aircraft in a bunch of points, it was about 10 times as many as now, entered some values and ran it through the conversation/editor and the model as it was currently configured would work in 2024, all additional features aside. It was in one of the first presentations they were putting dots all over an aircraft.
That’s because forza (if that’s what you’re referencing) gets a new game every year or every other year. This is a game running on new engine so I expect some improvements graphics wise. Hopefully no more low quality graphics.
A new Forza Motorsport comes around every 3-4 years now and full vehicle overhauls come once a generation.
Forza Horizon is another franchise made by a different studio but they share car resources with Motorsport. So the vehicles basically look the same in either franchise.
It gets confusing. Anyway…
2024 previews have focused on the new planes so far.
If all returning planes had been rebuilt from the ground up I would expect to have heard about it by now.
Other than the door thing (and I assumed this surprised Asobo as much as it did me when everyone was upset — canopies I get because you can open those taxiing or in-flight, but doors aren’t part of the flying part of the experience), it’s not like there are visual detail deficiencies in the native 2020 planes. Certainly nothing to justify a full rebuild. They look amazing.
And it is as simple as this: The Series consoles can’t handle more detailed aircraft. And Asobo can’t rebuild them all every four years for a sequel.
Not sure about that. Where did you hear that from?
Last I heard is they will just work the same in Community folder from the off. No updates “required”.
Honestly it’s crazy that we are this close to release and nobody really knows what is going to happen or how it’s expected to work. All guess work and conflicting “hearsay”. Very frustrating.
The SDK and Alpha should get the devs’ hands on the sim. I expect to get a better sense soon.
I believe this was in or around this year’s Flight Sim Expo presentation.
I expect the old 2020 stock planes will go through a similar conversion process to be brought into 2024, but they will also have the added walk around features to bring them into full compliance with things like Career Mode. And a tablet.
And the new planes will be the newest builds, truly made from the ground up for 2024 in many cases.
I’m pretty sure the stuff about updating config and json files for 2024 is referring to 2020 planes that will be in the Marketplace, not external stuff that people download from other places. The folks giving those presentations are focused on the internal, approved, “official Marketplace” products.
If you do need to tweak files to make a non-Marketplace 2020 add-on show up in 2024 (and I don’t think you will), I’m pretty sure that someone will create a utility to automate it and have it posted the first day of the sim’s release. (Or before, if there’s an open beta.)
That is my basic understanding as well.
It would take some extra work for devs to bring their 2020 models into things like Career Mode.
Just lazy dumping a 2020 aircraft into 2024 is going to be quite simple versus new items that have hundreds of data points around the aircraft for the new aerodynamic modeling. Asobo is doing it to all of their 2024 aircraft. Pretty sure just about any noteworthy developer is going to at least spend a little time utilizing the 2024 sdk, they’re going to have a month. And that’s the ones not already building 2024 aircraft.
What’s strange was they showed a Deluxe edition Bonanza as a buy for $15 and an upgrade version for $4. So they might be asking you to pay to upgrade your 2020 aircraft to be something other than an old model in a new sim. Glad I just bought PD. Looks like the parallel versions might be a thing.
And they confirmed the PD discount for first party aircraft is going to be a thing again.
So if I have 2020 Premium Deluxe, but buy 2024 Standard, my steam 172 will remain the 2020 version unless I spend $4 to upgrade it?
I’m confused because there’s no Bonanza on the 2024 Deluxe or Premium Deluxe chart. There’s the G36 on the Standard edition, and the V35 on Aviator. Are the Aviator planes getting this upgrade too? I thought we had to wait on that one.
Might have been the Barron I’ll try to find it. The MP had two windows and artwork specifically for buy and upgrade side by side. Think it was $14.99 and $3.99
Have a look at the SDK dev stream from yesterday. It outlines the process for 3rd party to incorporate 2020 aircraft without updating to 2024 features and also provides estimates from Carenado for how long it takes them to convert to 2024.
I doubt that we will hear anything before launch. I hope I’m wrong….
I found it on another stream it was the LL V35 showing new purchase and a 2024 upgrade fee in the new MP. I hope that was just being used as a placeholder example for what options a developer may have.