FS Playground offers great Replay

I have been playing with this great app now for about a week. There have been half a dozen updates and more coming. It is really maturing very well.
Here is a multi angle video of a landing in the FBW A320NX, at KMIA this afternoon.
I love replays to see the scenery and analyze my landings. The was a visual approach no GS or LOC.


where can i get it

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It also gives you the abilitiy to save specific plane positions and teleport.

is this project continued? Cause I could not access website.

It works fine for me, the link is https, maybe that is your problem, try http instead.

Could not access although http. Maybe my ip is blocked.

Try a different browser.

Same. Connection time out

Works for me no problem, I use Safari on a Mac, but transfer to my PC.
This is the safest way not to get any malware etc.
I never use a PC for browsing or email.

I don’t know why my home internet could not access site but office.


I am a happy FSP owner.

I have a problem with the Recording Interval and Smooth Factor settings.
I do not understand the action, I have read the available information but found no satisfactory answer there.
I will describe what it is about:

  • Recording Interval - I understand this is the time interval after which the position of the aircraft is recorded. However, I do not understand why if I set it to 25 msec, the playback speeds up?

  • Smooth Factor - I do not fully understand the operation of this parameter. The higher I set, the recorded material slows down its playback speed. Now the relationship between both parameters. How to set it so that I have real speed. Neither too slow nor too fast.

Second thing I struggle with and can’t set it either:
I would like to record a shot of the tower looking at the plane flying over the runway. However, if I did not set up, following the passing plane I can see how it trembles (front-back). This makes the shot bad because the plane looks blurry. How do you get rid of it?

Sorry for my english, please give me directions.

If you want playback at 30 fps. That is what I use mostly.
Then 1000/30=33.33 ms
If 24 fps then 1000/24=42 ms so 40 is fine also the standard.

Just experiment a bit with smoothing, it all depends on your system.

Also it is a pain but change your settings for recording to low to get better playback and therefor recording, you can then increase settings in playback for a smooth recording.

I also find it helps to record I use Bandicam in slomo and then speed up in your editing program. This is for making videos for publishing, but I don’t even bother with that.

I mostly just use it on 40 and my normal settings just for viewing of replaying landings, what I use it for most. Any time you pan you tend to get jitter. This is a MSFS problem I think, your computer just can’t keep up with changing background. Keep pans really slow and they are better, same as panning just in the sim for me n my system at least.

Good luck let us know how it works for you.

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