FS2020 Remembering Deleted Runways

I have created a number of SPB’s. (And made errors in the runway headings). So I’m going back to change them to get them correct. When I change them, the old “WRONG” runways still show up. This is even if I completely rebuild the airport. I cannot get rid of the old runways, they continue to appear. When trying to load my SPB, this is what I see:

RUNWAY 33 (Water)
33 (water)
15 (water)

The last two are what should be there, the top three were where my errors were. Completely redone, the sim remembers the old (wrong) runways. The RESET does not work (zen desk says they have that “solved”). Maybe this is part of that problem. I’ve cleared RollingCache, and SceneryCache (no change), I cannot find LocalCaache yet. Somewhere these runways are being “remembered”. Can anybody tell me where that memory might reside? (Thank You)

I solved the problem, but don’t know “how”. I have Addon Linker (that organizes my Community folder). I turned everything “off” then started turning things back on again. When I got done, everything was “on” as it was before, but the problem was gone. So if you have this problem, that is one way to solve it.