Fs2020 wont start after adding scenery

This morning i downloaded and put into the community folder around 10 scereries.

After loading fs2020 it gets stuck at the black loading screen. Very first screen and wont get past that.

I probs should of installed 1 by 1 and loaded to make sure everything was going to load.

Any sugestions how to fix the issue other than re installing fs2020 :frowning:

What ever you do, don’t do that, as that won’t fix anything. Just remove all the sceneries you added, confirm the sim loads correctly, then add them back one by one until you find the one that breaks it. It’s possible there are more than one, so one tactic may be to try each one individually.

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Rule 1: Never install a bunch of addons on same time.


Thanks i will give that a go :+1:

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Always install at ons one at a time. That way if one breaks the game, you know which it is.


Before todays update, and after todays update BIG problem;

Xbox Series X:

-Its night session in europe
-I switched the time to afternoon
-My starting point is near Zurich airport
-Loading screen always stopps ca. 60%…
…waiting waiting…
-Game crashed and back to Xbox starting screen
… :-((((

When I started in US etc no problems…


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