FS2024 Third Party Aircraft Compatibility List (Unofficial)

I’m not pursuing a career in 24, that said, it may be helpful to distinguish between reverse compatibility of a 2020 aircraft which would not include any new 24 features in these discussions. Even when new 24 compatible models come out, it is unclear if they will work in career mode, correct? At stake seems to me to be the ability to modify aircraft, which might be viewed as a cheat in career mode, as it is intended to be a level playing field for those building a career. This is somewhat counterintuitive for flight sim enthusiasts and I might be wrong about my understanding of the situation, however making such distinctions might aid conversation.

The Just Flight Vulcan is now FS2024 compatible: Just Flight - Avro Vulcan B Mk. 2, K.2 & MRR (MSFS)


The Miltech Simulations Mirage 2000C (M2K-C for legal reasons) has been released and is available for both FS2020 and FS2024 per iniBuilds: Miltech Simulations M2K-C for MSFS – iniBuilds Store

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The Orbx Grumman TBF Avenger is out now for both sims. Keep in mind they are different products! Here is the FS2024 version: Grumman Avenger - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Orbx

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The Aeroplane Heaven Socata Rallye has released for both sims on Orbx. As with the aforementioned Avenger, there are standalone versions for each sim. Here is the direct link to the FS2024 version: Aeroplane Heaven Socata Rallye MS-893 - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Orbx

It appears to be compatible versus native, so that is where I’ll add it unless proven otherwise.

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Per this post Black Box Simulation has announced all of their aircraft are now FS2024 compatible, free of charge to owners of the FS2020 versions. Added them all to the list. Note: I haven’t received any new emails from Black Box, but going to my original email and accessing my list of products allowed me to download the new versions (well, at least the Short Regional, haven’t tested the others yet.)

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Added the vFlyteAir PA-30. As of at least version 1.1, it is compatible with FS2024. Worth mentioning as it had a less than stellar launch, the 1.1 update was fairly substantial and features very good SimAcoustics sounds now.

COWS DA40-XLS, out now, fully compatible with MSFS2024


Added, thank you!

Oh man … so silly. I gave the RV-14 another shot with SU1 Beta to see if anything has changed, just to realize that my unsuccessful test back in November was pilot error.

I must have had the P-MAG Test switch in the on position, which prevents the starter from working. Whaddaya know? When the P-MAG switch is set to off the RV-14 starts fine in FS2024. And thanks to the SU1 Beta it now has bright displays and pilot models too.

  • Added the Just Flight Hawk T1/A which has been made officially compatible with the latest update. It’s also on sale from most vendors.
  • Added the RV-14 based on @Jigsaw407’s findings above
  • Just a quick note for folks who haven’t opted into the beta: Good news is on the way! Many of the annoying bugs encountered with “compatible” (non-native) addons (missing pilots, dim screens, lights shining through the cockpit) are fixed in the current build.

The JustFlight PA-38 Tomahawk is semi-compatible on PC. You need to jump through a couple of hoops to get it going, but once you do, it seems to work 99%, including its own walkaround features.

I say it works 99% because sometimes loading a flight with the Tomahawk keeps hanging. But all you need to do is back out to the World Map with Escape and click on Start Flight again. The 2nd time around usually works fine and all is well.


Because the installer isn’t updated for FS2024 yet, the licensing information is stored in an FS2020 folder. You have to manually copy the licensing info to the FS2024 folder (Limitless), otherwise you get a “License Failure” error on the tablet and the aircraft will not work:

Copy the “justflight-aircraft-pa38” folder located in the folder




After that it works perfectly. Except there is a 2nd little caveat. The Tomahawk’s throttle doesn’t work with the “Throttle” and “Throttle 1” axis, only with the “Throttle (0 - 100%)” axis. And you need to fully move the “Neutral” point of that axis to the lower limit in the options, or you can’t get to idle.

But that’s it! Hopefully these remaining issues will be fixed by JustFlight soon. Can’t be too hard, I hope!

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Added the Arantis Simulations Daedalus BS214, a new fictional bush-capable experimental aircraft. New Release: Daedalus BS214 for MSFS 2020 (Compatible with MSFS 2024)

link is not working regarding the socata rallye

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I’m starting to suspect it was pulled for FS2024. Edit: As far as I can tell, they just consolidated the two versions down to one, the FS2020 version. Per their product page, they still say the following.

FS2024 Compatibility information
We have made a special compatible version that should be used. The FS2020 version will not work as well as the FS2024 mod. This is NOT A NATIVE 2024 aircraft and you should not purchase it as such.

I will update the link to point to the FS2020 version.

Edit: Further info found in their original Facebook announcement:

When you purchase the plane you will get a single zip with 2 zips inside. One is the Fs2020 version and one is “as compatible as it can get” Fs2024 version. Please note this is compatible only. Also … dont try to run the FS2024 version in Fs2020… that would be odd. 🙂

The Aeroplane Heaven Hawker Nimrod Mk2 & Fury Mk1 are out and listed as compatible per this statement by Aeroplane Heaven:

FS2024 compatibility information

This edition of the Hawker Nimrod Mk2 and Hawker Fury Mk1 is for MSFS 2020. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE AS A NATIVE MSFS 2024 PACKAGE.

Both models have been flown and tested in MSFS 2024 and work well. For this reason (ONLY) we can say that this package is MSFS 2024 COMPATIBLE. However, unique MSFS 2024 features such Careers, squashy tyres and missions capability are NOT AVAILABLE.

A native MSFS 2024 version of this package will be available later.

Just made a very quick flight on the Milviz Corsair (one of my fav. planes.)
(from installer version / not store FG1D v1.3.0)

  • I confirm lots of gauges don’t work (RPM, torque, climb rate,…)
  • i was not able to close canopy after takeoff using mouse (but opening was ok… )
  • it’s a little laggy (was too on 2020) when using trackir

but some good news : it looks even better than on 2020… some added heat effects on the nose for example…
i did not had the “2 tons nose” effect when braking during taxiing too… (no balast)

it still flies so well on msfs 2024 ! j
just a few thing to correct…

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I’m debating adding it to the list because the title of this post is “Aircraft” but I did want to point out that the //42 Juice Goose has been updated to FS2024, available for everyone (and native.) It’s a $2 upgrade for previous owners. Last I checked, it’s available from //42 themselves, other vendors to come later I imagine.

It’s kinda sad that a buggy gets the FS2024 treatment before the Kitfox, an actual aircraft.