FS2024 Third Party Aircraft Compatibility List

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An update about the Flysimware addons including the Grumman G44A, Lear 35A and C414AW: It looks like if you purchased these addons from the Marketplace, the compatibility patches won’t work as the FS2020 files haven’t been ported over yet.

When you join their Discord, you’ll want to make sure to go to Channels & Roles at the top and assign yourself the roles for the aircraft you want to see updates about, then go to the #product-updates channel to see the messages about the patches. Good luck!

Update to the table: The table’s Source column now links to either an official source stating that the aircraft is available (such as a vendor showing compatibility, a blog post, a Discord post, etc.) or the community post where someone confirmed they were able to get the addon to work. Any addons missing either source will not be on the list.

I’ve also added a Notes column containing a quick rundown of known issues, where applicable.

  • Removed the FlyingIron Bf.109, as the person who confirmed it was working has found a major issue where the landing gear fail on every landing.

More on the Milviz Corsair - I tested again tonight and while the gauges worked for me during a 15 minute flight, after landing and during taxi, most/all cockpit switches and controls became unresponsive. All tooltips worked but no cockpit controls could be manipulated by mouse clicks. Physical controls still worked, however, so I could shut down the engine by moving my mixture controls on my throttle.

Aside from that, the gunsite is invisible for me, and the chart tablet options page is very, very dim. I presume both of these are related to various display and cockpit light level issues reported for other 2020 aircraft in the new sim.

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Their Cessna 140 is working as well. Including the ear drum splitting engine sounds lol

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Flysimware Sierra C24R works great (no avatars: asobo know and is their end)

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The DA42 and any others that have dark screens are not flyable really so should be removed from the compatible list. It’s not every aircraft just some.

Compatible (mostly)

Not Compatible
Mooney M20 - engine displays dark
COWS DA-42 - G1000 screens dark
Blacksquare Caravan - doesn’t load
Blacksquare King Air - doesn’t load
C22J - very low engine power
BN-2 Islander - very low engine power

Do you have the update from a few days ago? COWS DA42 Released! - #282 by Jacobes16

They had mentioned they fixed that and other things, and it is listed as FS2024 compatible on Orbx so I will leave it in the list until I hear from anyone else. Thanks for the reports otherwise, I will see what I need to add or update on the list!

Let me try that one again because I was putting things in and out of my community folder while I was troubleshooting other things so I may of had the wrong package.

I might have some more once I’ve tested some more. That’s all I’ve done up to now. It’s only a small sample but 2 out of eight is hardly ‘the vast majority’ working that was advertised but I’ll give it a bit more time yet before judging fully.

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You should start a new thread on your comments. While it’s an important subject, it’s nothing to do with this thread. This thread is discussing which 2020 Community aircraft are compatible with 2024

Wondering if the dim displays is a MSFS 2024 thing? You have to turn the floodlights for centre console and overhead panel to read Nav freq on centre console and power screen on overhead panel on the default 737 Max 8

Unfortunately Xbox users will not be able to update any addons until Marketplace reopens. Are we then going have to pay as Microsoft don’t let 3rd party’s sell on Marketplace for free? I’m thinking about the PMDG 737 paint jobs for Xbox users, they weren’t allowed to sell for free on MP, we ended up paying.

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I have noticed this as well, especially with the PMS50 GPS, but I think I have seen it on other MFDs and PFDs as well. (yeah, the correct FS24 version downloaded).

Does your BN-2 Islander experience in 2024 also include extremely annoying constant click sound in cockpit?

I had that too

Can’t say I remember that. Startup and Taxi went ok but she just didn’t have enough power to reach take-off.

Got Friends updated their freeware aircraft for compatibility for FS2024

  • Added the DA-50 RG by Skyward Simulations which is now listed as FS2024 compatible per Orbx.

Yes, Xbox users will have to pay for livery packs that are not included with the aircraft. Some authors include liveries in their aircraft, and add more when they update them.

  • Added several more aircraft based on community testing
  • Added the Hangar Studios Super Decathlon which was patched to have FS2024 compatibility an hour ago