Fselite Honeycomb bravo first look

A (very) early first working look of the Honeycomb bravo throttle on youtube.

The embargo on review is November 1. but a sneak peek is allegedly ok.

In particular the trim wheel looks fantastic in action.


Ok, not pilot here at all. But do you input that much motion in a real trim wheel? Seems like example is using it a lot, and very large amount of turning to get little effect? And assume forward of wheel is lower and toward rear of plane is raising nose. Avidly awaiting mine to get here, now about the yoke availability?

You are right. He really are in love with that wheel.
We will just have to wait untill ours arrive.

Mine are proving to be an American style Christmas miracle…due to arrive 23 December!

Saw someone yesterday commenting that they are hoping for August.

Certainly hope that they can scale up production.

Not going to buy anything if the sim is still full of bugs.:thinking::yawning_face: