FSHUD changes destination runway

Hello everyone. Cirrus pilot but newbie Flt simmer. This took me longer than when I got my instrument rating – but worth it.
Did first flight today KJFK - KATL.

Flight plan from Simbrief loaded fine.

Checked actual ATIS from FAA digital web site. Landing at 9R.

About 30 minutes out ATC changes runway to 26R. Surprised because that left a 5knt tailwind. I was able to change flt plan from the flight bag and send it to avionics.

Should I also File Flight Plan with ATC on the MSFS2024 app?

The ILS chart originally from 9R became stuck on the planner. Is there a way to replace it with the 26R?

I quickly changed the ILS radio to proper frequency. But does FSHUD do it via co-pilot automatically since it changed the flight plan?

At least I got to KATL.



This was discussed in our Discord channel.

In short words - this can happen according to weather forecasts that are taken from TAF - so active runway shifts can be changed.

Thanks for your response. Yes I get it that real life ATC could change runways and they do. In this case though the runway I filed was based on real ATIS and TAF. In other words aircraft at KATL were really landing at 9R before I took off and for 6 hours after I landed.

That is no big deal. I am an actual IFR pilot. Since I am new to flightsim and fshud (which is a great product by the way) I was not sure how to update my Sim flight. In my Cirrus all I did was enter a new waypoint and chose Direct with my Garmin.

In flight sims we have apps from different vendors needing to communicate with each other. I am not sure if Sim ATC changes a route/runway if I have to edit the MS2024 flight bag or update Simbrief.

Obviously I updated flight bag and it worked. But I could not find any charts. I had to grab actual Jeppesen charts to find the ILS frequency. I just thought of this: Could I have asked the FSHUD ATC for the frequncy?

Again I am enjoying FSHUD. Hope you are too (are you associated with the company?).

I suggest to continue this communication via application tickets.
It will be more effective.

Thank you