Amazing work team! Can’t wait for the release…
do these planes use the jetways?
Yes, they do.
Voted. Thank you. It looks fantastic.
Voted as well.
What is the difference between this product and the one AIG are planning, if they are the same, can you not work together?
The AIG version uses per-exisiting flight plans (FPs) (was based upon real-world published schedules).
Having pre-created FPs for Ai allows quite a number of things I don’t believe the Real-time system will allow such as use of many different true aircraft variations (i.e., airlines with specialized livery variations such as Frontier, Jet Blue and others where there are unique paints) since the FPs allow you to specify specific aircraft by tail number. It also allows use of terminal parking (via radius) so proper airlines appear at their real-world terminals (this required AFCAD, an airport editor which the current sim doesn’t allow).
Thank you.
Just read the AIG post. Generally speaking these are different projects, made by different people. We’re converting the FLAi pack also for use with VATSIM, AIG uses aircraft models from other sources. Real feature set will be determined on release, so it will be up to you
to decide what to use, maybe both if they happen to be compatible.
As for working together, I’m afraid this is not going to happen for a numerous reasons, mostly because of the differences in our vision of the final product.
However it’s not a big problem, there are numerous cases of more than two mods with intersecting features and it is an absolutely normal situation. This is how freedom of thinking and independent development looks like.
actual the models you are using (packed in FLAi) are the same models AIG will use as base (MDLX), same with the repaints. The only major difference (from what I know so far) is that your pack/the FLAi pack comes as a whole in one. AIG will download the needed file during installation of each single airline.
Absolutely brilliant news.
Can’t wait…but like everyone else, I guess I’ll have to.
What I see here isn’t conflicting mods, but some variety and some competition. And that’s always a good thing.
I look forward to seeing that both teams come up with, although from what I’ve read so far, I’m leaning more towards this project fulfilling my needs. But time will tell.
A big thank you to the programmers working on this and wishing you the best of luck.
Hi team - any updates on this hugely exciting project?
Stay tuned, we’re working hard to get it done as soon as possible!
sounds exciting !
Will it work with AI offline as well? I fly most late nights and then there is no Live Traffic in my area.
Look very good !
Great works !
AIG sounds more like Ultimate Traffic I used to use.
Oh, we are! Thanks you.
Thank you for your hard work .!!
Staying tunned!!! thanks
Hello! this is amazing!
do you think we could have a “little” first ai traffic liveries before christmas?