Fspackagetool cries for MarketPlaceData

I use fspackagetool to compile my mods. Sadly since the last update, it throws an error that MarketPlaceData directory is missing. Ok, I get it, but I can compile sample sceneries in sim just fine and it doesn’t include that directory.

Is fspackagetool to restrictive now, or am I doing something wrong. Do I really have to add all these backgrounds and fancy things? Noone will let me into marketplace anyway :wink: And don’t tell me to build it in sim. I have 300000 objects in scenery, my pc would burst into flames :smiley:

the error about missing Marketplace data is not critical, meaning the package gets compiled correctly nonetheless.

Oh… I’m an idiot. I thought that it doesn’t compile, because there is no new folder for Visual Effects I’ve added… yeah, I missed it and it was compiled just fine.

Thank you.