
fspm-panel-vfmap utility replaces the pause icon with a blank square in the tool bar menu after update. Why?

I’m having the same issue – it isn’t working at all for me at this point

Same issue with the bkank icon, but it work fine for me.

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Found a fix by a5tr0 in flightsimto:


  1. create directory “html_ui\icons\toolbar”
  2. move to that directory “FSPM_ICON.svg” from “html_ui\Textures\Menu\toolbar”
  3. now you can delete empty directory “Textures\Menu\toolbar”
  4. edit “layout.json”: find line with location of “FSPM_ICON.svg” and change it to that new location “html_ui/icons/toolbar/FSPM_ICON.svg”
  5. after sim restart it should be fine
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You kind of lost me there

I wish the author would just update it…

I think he did but still no logo just the blank square at least it works unlike the msfs features that crash the program like the AI bug