How can Fsuipc be added to MFS 2020 in its physical DVD version, since I can’t find the executable on my PC.
Thank you
Have you ever look up for something in line aka Internet?
If I have searched, and even those of Asobo do not know how to do it, we have exchanged many emails, as you know, keep in mind that it is the physical version on DVD. Thank you
FSUIPC is not part of FS2020 but a separate app. v7 supports FS2020. try here
Why do you need the msfs2020 executable for fsuipc?
I start my fsuipc from a totally different folder on my hard disk.
I have already tried it, when I install it and want to add the MFS 2020, it tells me to indicate the path, the access address, and that is the problem, in the dvd version, the MSF 2020 executable is not found. Thanks
I am not sure I understand that. All I do is start MSFS and then FSUIPC - it automatically find the sim if it is running. Perhaps you are starting FSUIPC when no sim is running?
For more help you might want to ask here
Ok, the problem is that I want to use Fsuipc to adjust Thrusmaster and when I run Fsuipc it asks me to add the path of the simulator and this is what in the dvd version I can’t find the way to do it. Thank you
OK - ask Pete & John on the forum link I posted
Have you ever learned that it’s “on-line” not inline?
Have no idea what you are talking about, but if you want perfect grammar, there is a lot of work for you in this forum, if there is nothing else you can help with.