I bought the “PACX” add-on, then read that the add-on had to use" FSUIPC7" to install and run PACX. Okay…after several attempts it worked. once! Later in the day reloadede my fs again, then got the message "you will need the FSUIPC7 to run the PACX " eehhh?? okay. deleting the old FSUIPC7 then download it once more…aso…same story-every second time it worked/not worked. the FSUIPC7 I used was freeware, now I see that the same (I prosume-the logo is the same) FSUIPC7 can be bought for 31 euro at “Simmarket” ? are one of you guys able to tell the diffrence…and, is it just the freeware-edition that does not work properly?? (I have had exacly the same problem with another passenger-addon using the same FSUIPC7?? ) THX and wishing everybody a flying great christmas/ MILO-Denmark
I must start FSPUIC7 every time I start or restart my sim to get a connection. Now just part of my startup routine
Thanks a lot
Yes you have to manually start fsuipc each time. The paid version gives you extras but the basic version is free and that is sufficient
Okay thanks
I’m having the issue of when I start fsuipc, theres a splash screen and then it starts up FSX. Which is on a seperate drive than MSFS 2020.
How can I get it to point to the correct version of FS? I’m not quite ready to uninstall FSX just yet. ( I love the missions! )
I have had errors when installed. breaks down when loading fligtes
Is it me or is this forum simply dead?
My guess is most of the nuts and bolts with respect to SDK and development are at fsdeveloper.com
Tried, FCUIPC7 , doesn’t really do anything in the demo version , so can’t justify the registered version for options that I can demo. Uninstalling.
Interesting issues ive had tonight with MSFS and FSUIPC7. When I load MSFS whether by FS.exe or the jumpstarter half way loading it comes up with an error FSUIPC7 is already statered and then crashes. Im not using the FSUIPC7 that does want you to start at same time and its like it was starting it twice causing the game to crash. Ive deleted FSUIPC7 now and MSFS now loads but worry will be when i re-install. I only like to load FSUIPC7 when I need to use it which is not all the time if im flying GA with VR or just doing a quick FSEconomy flight.