Fuel Condition Lever at ATR 72, how to handle?

I really dont know how to move it via mouse i mean which part will push and which will pull it. Its completely confusing and there is absolutely no logic to me. If i touch upper part sometimes its like pulling and next time its like pushing. Is there a work arround? I just crashed the ATR during start/take off cause this bs did not work out at all.

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Have you tried the mouse wheel instead? I have it bound to hardware so I’m not sure if it works.

Hm that would be an option. I can try it next time. If it does not work in my case do i have to “bound it to hardware” and what does it means?
I need the mousewhell btw for zoom in and out.

I also had a lot of trouble at first with operating the condition levers via a mouse. When trying to go into Auto from Feather I would invariably go into Fuel Shut Off.

When you point the mouse at the condtiion lever handle, you will get a double arrow mouse pointer.

If the double pointer is above the handle, clicking it pushes the handle down towards the Cut off Position.

If the double pointer is below the handle, clicking it pushes the handle up towards the Override Position.

If the double pointer is in the middle of the handle, clicking it moves the handle but often not in the direction desired.

I suggest sitting on the ground and playing with this lever until you are confident you can get it to move in the direction you intend.

It would be much better if there were two pointers (one for “up” the other for “down”) that indicate what movement you will get when clicking the mouse button.

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And exactly that is not true. I just clicked above lever handle and it will be pushed forward from FTR to Auto. Tbh its simply a catastrophy more like a bug and i wonder why they did not fix it until now?

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No matter how much i now tried for 5 minutes there is simply no system behind this. It makes me really angry meanwhile. How stupid could devs be?

I have a Honeycomb Bravo so I have my condition levers mapped to levers on the bravo.

Rolling the mouse wheel will still zoom in/out if you’re not pointed at a control or knob.

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Thank you for dismissing my effort at assisting you after a very brief trial. I spent quite a while finding how it worked, and went from “it just doesn’t work” to “with care I actually can control this”.

There is a small difference in positions between working and not - you just need to find them.

Yes it is annoying that the developer came up with this and never thought to improve it (I suspect they, and/or their testers, rely on hardware like a Bravo Throttle Quadrant and do not use a mouse).

I am sorry. I did not wanted to upset you but it really does not matter since the same clicking position gave two different results.

I could reproduce it with mousewheel but its really fricky. The Honeycom Bravo is btw a perfect solution. But its also quite expensive too.

Try moving the position you are clicking - there is a small zone that will work consistently (near the edges of the areas) as I said, in the middle of the area, you will not get consistency. It probably took me 30 mins or more to find the right places to click (and I still dont get it every time).

Goronys solution works out. Its fricky but if i move the mouse to lever and then use the mousewheel i can steer it in the end.

Whenever I fly the ATR I always use the mouse to move the condition levers. I don’t like hardware mapping everything and prefer to use the mouse whenever possible.

I have never had any problems moving the levers using the mouse. I think you are overthinking this issue. I’ve never even noticed a problem. It just works.

Yeah, just get the spotter to change on the mouse icon and roll the wheel… Always worked for me. You don’t have to have it pointing the right way like you do if you want to click on it….