Full exterior view and fps

two questions:
which buttons can i use to hide control panel and have full exterior view?
which button shows the FPS?
Thanks for your help.

Hi there @FarMash! Welcome to the MSFS forums!

I have some answers for you that should hopefully help and get you out in the friendly skies! :slight_smile:

1.) If you are referring to the instrument panel overlay present in the exterior view, then you can disable this under Options > General > Camera > Chase Camera > Instrument Heads-Up Display

2.) At this time, there is no in-game FPS counter apart from the Developer Mode one (Options > Developer) so if you don’t want to enable this, you will need to use a third party software, or your graphics card control panel. I own a Nvidia card, and with GeoForce experience you can toggle a FPS overlay.

Hope this helps… happy flying!

Thank you for your answer. but my problem is different. as you can see in the pictures, in COCKPIT view, we have control panel. i want to hiden the control panel. in FSX this was possible with W key. is the key available in fs2020 so that I can use it to make the control panel invisible?

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Morning, @FarMash!

Could you please attach a screenshot of what you are referring to exactly? I believe I have a good idea, but just want to make sure we are on the same page before I give you an answer. Thanks!

Since yesterday I have been trying to send you the screenshots but I can’t and get this message:
Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.
can i send the pictures with another media?

Removing the cockpit controls panel isn’t possible at this time.

For FPS - you can press Windows Key + G to get the Xbox Game Bar and then pin the FPS counter from there

ok. thank you.