Full GPWS callouts and alerts please!

So many are still missing. Just to list a few


too low flaps
too low gear
too low terrain
terrain ahead pull up
sink rate pull up
etc. etc.

I can hear 2500, 1000, 100,
then too low gear, too low terrain, sink rate pull up.

I never hear the 5000, too low flaps, and terrain ahead pull up.


Since a RA usually starts to work at/below 2500ft, I doubt that there should be a 5000 callout.

‘Sink rate’ is a caution, ‘pull up’ is a warning. It should be either sink rate or pull up.

To get a terrain ahead warning you need an EGPWS.

The callouts depend a lot on the installed GPWS system.


5000 does not exist, never heard of it.

I want the real GPWS so much with

Terrain alerts
Obstacles alerts
Don’t sink
Bank angle
Too low gear/flaps
approaching minimum
100 above

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