Full Refresh Rate Glass Cockpit Screens on Xbox

So, the way Microsoft Flight Simulator currently works on Xbox is that the game itself runs at 30 fps (frames per second), but in order to save on resources, the glass cockpit screens refresh at half rate, 15 frames per second. (Let’s count out 120 Hz VRR screens and the unlocked framerate now.) This is usually a fine compromise, but it still makes glass cockpit screens and HUDs a but jerky on Xbox, especially during fast turns or fast altitude changes, etc. You can simply see the numbers, the symbols, lines etc. move not smoothly enough. This is obviously even more apparent on aircraft with fully glass cockpits like airliners or modern business jets, GA aircraft, etc.

Now, the thing is that some of the third-party add-ons deny this trend and they use full rate glass screens and HUDs. Namely the F22 from Top Mach Studios and even more notably the PMDG 737 use full refresh rate (30 fps) on their screens, which makes them look and feel that much better. Amazingly, even the 737 runs very well on Xbox despite using full rate on its screens.

This made me create this “wish”: With all the memory and performance optimizations on Xbox in the past 2 years, it seems to me that using full refresh rate on glass cockpit screens is now feasible. Could it be done that the simulator used this by default on all aircraft? Garmin screens, default airliners, etc. If the 737 manages to do it without issues then I would expect everything else to do so as well. I think it would make the whole sim feel smoother on Xbox, thanks to more smoothly operating screens.