Future of Flight

As we slowing grind our way into the second decade of the 21st century, aviation is starting to see the need to move towards more enviromental friendly skies. On Nov 20, the first Pipistrel EV aircraft made its way to Canada, and what a lovey bird it is:

Any chance, one of the amazing aircraft devs, could build this? :slight_smile:


Some new Gauges will need to be developed … KW Gauge etc

Replaceable Batteries …

But how many airports will have suitable chargers ?

The BIG negative to me would be VFR Only, but could be a fun “Play” aircraft, if reasonably priced.

Whatever a reasonable price is – after spending $1000’s on a computer system, monitor and peripherals, the cost of a plane is really insignificant !!


Give me a big multi engine smoking, rattling radial any day over that :rofl:


Not in the sim world… Long live sim avgas and kerosine :rofl:


For flight schools this is awesome as it cuts down on two of the main costs, fuel and maintenance.
For regular flights not that much.

How quickly does an Electric GA trainer plane take to charge. Time sitting on the ground , charging back up the battery, during potential flight training time, is money lost.
Are the Batteries like Tesla Quick Charge batteries ?

(Very Crude Photoshop edit !! )


I’d hope for an option to exchange the co-pilot to an extra battery bank with that endurance. :sweat_smile:

Support for electric engines was added in the latest sim update, so I’m fairly confident we’ll see some electric planes soon.

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Like it or not, this is the way we are going. It wasn’t that long ago that electric cars were seen as a novelty that were inferior in most every way to a gas powered vehicle. Now they are commonplace.

The biggest problem I see with the adoption of electric flight will be the rapid obsolescence of the early aircraft. A state of the art electric airplane of today will probably be totally outdated in just a few years. I guess that was the same situation back in the early days of flight when progress was rapid. The difference was that airplanes were relatively cheap to build back then.

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Not to bad … 20 Minute Charge time … and this is for the 1st gen planes… later gen planes may well be faster.

electric plane charge

plane charger

The next MSFS scenery ADDON MOD ? Electric Charging stations for MSFS Electric Planes …

Maybe not today, but within the next 8 years ?

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Shouldn’t be that hard…. I wonder if the next generation of inflight-tankers will have long EV recharger cables…. :rofl:

Looks good, but getting all that environmentally friendly electricity into the plane so quickly must use a lot of oil, gas or coal…

or Sunshine … (Solar)

solar recharging

If there is enough sun in the “rainy” UK, then it should be a solution is a lot of other places.

But is G-CLRR even an Electric Plane ??

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Need an electric conversion mod for the IndiaFoxTecho Long-EZ


I dream of converting our real Long-EZ to electric someday. A few incremental battery upgrades away…


That’s why we’re still waiting on a few battery upgrades. The Wired article cited a two hour endurance if flown conservatively: This Record-Breaking Electric Plane Stomps a Gas-Powered Cessna | WIRED

If only we could get the power to weight ratio and torque of an electric motor with the range of a gas burning piston. The Long-EZ is already amazingly efficient with a 1500-2000 mi range on 50 gallons of avgas, so it probably makes a decent testbed for early stage electric conversions.

The lithium-air battery, developed at the Japanese National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), had an energy density of over 500Wh/kg. By comparison, lithium-ion batteries found in Tesla vehicles have an energy density of 260Wh/kg.

Energy density has been the biggest obstacle towards the advancement of electric planes, with 500Wh/kg viewed as an important benchmark for achieving both long-haul and high-capacity flights.

WOW !!
Lithium-air batteries have the potential to hold up to five times more energy than lithium-ion batteries of the same size (3,460 Wh/kg),

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But Tesla “Aviation Batteries” are not far behind …

But could not (easily) find any Wh/kg for their "Aviation Battery Systems " :woozy_face:

An interesting documentary on electric planes - both new designs, and retrofitting electric engines in existing planes.

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