G 3000 terrain colors

Just downloaded the Working Title G3000. However, the MFD only show the terrain as black. I tried and can’t find a way to turn on the terrain color on the MFD. Is there a way?


Moved into #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft where it’s more suitable

The Cessna Citation Latitude also uses the G3000 (pretending to be a G5000 by the addition of two extra GTCs on PIC/COP side to drive PFD settings). The TBM doesn’t have a GNS430.

Check the PFD Settings menu using the softkeys. Somewhere in there is SYN TERR (ON/OFF).

Just to double check, you unpacked the correct folder into Community? WT packages their folder with a top level folder that usually includes the version number. You want the folder one level down from that.

Thanks for the simple and correct solution. I never looked at the soft keys on the OFD, and there it was.


In the MFD menu touch screen, open Map Settings > Terrain. You’ll see three choices:
Off - is no terrain data
Absolute - what you’re used to seeing with higher elevations in shades of brown
Relative - all black on ground, but in the air you get some really useful data. I don’t have the exact #'s, but red means you’re either dangerously close to, or actually below the altitude of that feature. (When you take off, everything is red, then it progresses as follows.) Yellow means you’re above it, but you still need to be careful. Green means you’re safely above that terrain, and black means you’re well enough above that you don’t even need to think about it. This is very useful when flying in mountainous terrain at night or in poor visibility. If there’s something red ahead, you either need to go around it or climb over it.

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