Game pass for pc

Does anyone know if the Vr is available for the xbox game pass for pc? I had an update when I first loaded in but it was only a few MB’s. Cant find any downloads of it in any of the stores and I cant find any information if it is actually here on my version. I’ve tried Running my quest 2 and opening the software but all i can do is play on virtual desktop. Any help appreciated.

Yes it is available. Update through the store, works flawlessly.

Unfortunetly this didn’t work for me! I had to open the xbox game pass. Right click on MSFS, then select view details where the update eventually appeared. 1Gb download then it triggers a bigger download when you start the game!

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Works flawlessly - in a different way however!

When I click on details in my Gamepass Store MSFS Window there is no Update :frowning: please help somebody me…

I found this using the search function

And there is no „Update“ in Details in XBox Gamespass…

I can choose play, details, Desktop shortcut and deinstall when I right click on it.

In the Details Window I can online choose Play or buying options…no update Button.

I try this the last 12 hours… PC shutdown and start between already done.

I could solve the problem. But there is a fault in Gamepass App!

I had to go to Windows store. Search for MS FS 2020. there was NO Update Button! Like in Gamepass no Update Button also!

But I could choose „Install on all my Devices“ haha and then an 1GB Installation comes up from the windows store app.
Then run MSFS2020 and there the VR Update startet…what a Crazy way…

That was me that replied to someone on another post that was having issues before I commented on my post saying I sorted it! But good for you using the search function.

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