Yup … ifr is ifr … so the statement that someone made that fs2020 is just vfr is a little dumb
IFR in the A32nx is perfectly doable also by the way
Yup … ifr is ifr … so the statement that someone made that fs2020 is just vfr is a little dumb
IFR in the A32nx is perfectly doable also by the way
It‘s absolutely true. Those with real and sufficient experience have been providing facts and suggestions for improvement since the release and many of them have become silent here. This constant complaint about the „bad IFR“ sums it up completely. Without any doubt there are many issues to be solved and apparently people have issues with their hard- or software that let their sim crash. But not necessarily the latter has to be fixed on MSFS‘ side. I personally haven‘t had a single CTD and have used the sim since Aug 19th. There is so much that comes to my mind when I think of the issues people (and myself) have and had with P3D. ntdll.dll crashes that usually can be resolved on the user side, issues with overclocked CPUs and GPUs, old windows versions, exaggerated AV software, sometimes even two of them, simstarter tools, weird tweaks, years old BIOS versions, wildly mixed hardware with insufficient cooling on dusty mainboards and stone old power supplies. People who run windows on apple hardware and expect FSX to work there in DX10 preview mode without any issues, etc etc. And everytime they try to blame FSX or P3D.
I haven‘t had any problems to fly IFR procedures. I don‘t use Vatsim so the controlled part is rather assumed but the available airplanes with IFR equipment can perfectly fly a VOR or ILS approach, I can fly DME Arcs, procedure turns and holdings. All without a LEGS page and GPS fixes. Just assume rnav not available for now, use corresponding departures and arrivals and everything is fine. Asobo ARE working on the sim, the developers out there tell us all the time how great it is to work with Asobo. Maybe the LNAV/VNAV capabilities of their default airplanes aren‘t prio one, maybe the weather is a bit off atm. And? I have VS, I have HDG SEL, and if the AP suddenly starts to climb I turn it off and grab the plane with my hands and am the pilot I pretend to be. People continuously want a sim and not a game, so behave like in a sim and fly! The airports are there, at least most of them, the radio stations are there, the plane has a running engine, the ailerons and elevators work in the correct sense. It‘s all there for VFR and IFR, whatever we want to do. But we have to do it.
Perfectly said
I’m the first to admit that MSFS has some serious issues, and I’ve quite harshly criticized it many times. But likewise, I also see its potential, and that will be realized once they get their SDK sorted and 3rd party devs can come in and really give the hardcore simmers what they want.
I’d be really curious to be able to look back at how people who are currently slagging MSFS yet espousing the greatness of X-Plane, FSX or P3D reacted to those sims when they were first released full of bugs and issues.
I still for the life of me don’t understand why they released the sim without planes that work properly. I mean, to me, that seems like a pretty basic, fundamental expectation of customers. I can tolerate little glitches here and there, but that was just plain dumb.
Their reasoning? They did it to create space for developers. However, by doing so, they effectively told us to wait 6mos to a year for decent addons.
I know people are going to say, “well all sims had crappy aircraft in the beggining”, but this isn’t just a run of the mill sim. Remember, this was going to be a revolutionary sim with close collaboration with the community. Well, during Alpha, for MONTHS, nobody bothered to listen to the community.
I like what we have, but I don’t like having to learn how to fly all over again with goofy autopilots, glaring inaccuracies in performance and more INOP buttons in cockpits than systems that work.
Thank GOD for flybywire and the 32N, and other mods out there- but they could have given us a better baseline to build upon.
Rant over.
Would you say that if people’s systems met the minimum required/recommended, they should expect to be able to run the sim without an abundance of CTDs?
Also, please let me know how you “magically disappear.”
Lol, What is it with people thinking that things will “magically dissapear”
I just tried a simple TUS to PHX IFR flight in the 747. Plane handled pretty well but trying to use LNAV it banked wildly (and in the wrong direction), then for some reason it shut off AP, and then I was able to gain control again. Then, not using LNAV to attempt to follow the flight plan (which was imported from Little Navmap), I tried either FLTCH, or VS to reach my assigned ALT, the plane just lost altitude…it was frustrating.
I know these are common issues with the airliners but after 4 patches I just figured I’d try again.
So we have to basically wait for 5 more patches and hope that the patch #9 which is scheduled to fix avionics issues (after all, the IMPORTANT stuff to fix/add is more visual candy…grrrr) will actually bring FS2020 up to the flight characteristics and IFR capability that I had 16 years ago with FS9.
Oh, well… back to VFR (not that THAT is perfect, but at least enjoyable…)
Same for me, same objectives.
And VR in XP since Vulcan is smooth and problem free.
Absolutely correct. And all sims didn’t have crappy aircraft at the beginning- at least, they worked! Not like add-ons but they worked! VFR AND IFR!
I couldn’t agree more. I’m a IFR flyer who just loves realism. And frustrating is the word. I was only hoping for pmdg to come and make it better but won’t happen for a year.
I fly IFR in the sim without issue…in fact I dare say the IFR experience is better in MSFS because you can do multiple flights in one session with default avionics (as opposed to having to open the flight planner for every flight in FSXs default flight planning tool). If you guys are struggling, there’s clearly a disconnect in how you’re trying to use the sim.
You’re all going into this expecting a default PMDG 737. You’re obviously going to be let down.
If your game is crashing, find a pattern and send the error report in Event viewer to the Zendesk.
Editorial remark:
Seriously, every time I respond to these posts it feels like I’m trying to teach people how to use software, how do you know how to fly a 737 and not know how to find out what crashes a computer program?
EDIT: To people who say that Asobo doesn’t look at individual crash reports, that’s grossly false. I found a novelty crash issue with the default Garmin G1000 caused by a very specific sequence of commands, reported it to the ZenDesk, and 2 updates later it was addressed and couldn’t be recreated. This might seem inflammatory, but seriously…stop whining and file a ZenDesk report. Complaining on forums doesn’t do anyone any favours.
This. Is a thing
My biggest frustration is the lack of completion of airliners. The A320 is frustrating during low-level approach and last few seconds of landing. It would be nice to be able to do one complete flight!
That would depend on the settings they’re trying to run, as well as other factors like the airflow and cleanliness of the inside of their computer, the effectiveness of their cooling, and more. But at the risk of being repetitive, my CTDs only happen when I’m trying to push my system even a tiny bit beyond where it’s rock steady stable.
And if you really want to make me disappear, there’s this thing called a block button. Personally it’s not something I choose to use here or anywhere else, with a very small number of exceptions for absolutely stupid people, but that’s generally on political forums, and even there I can count how many times I’ve used it on one hand and have multiple fingers left over.
So far I haven’t run across anyone here who meets that description, though the OP of this thread might get there. I’m still mulling over how exactly I intend to respond to him, but it’s almost certainly coming at some point.
Very decent summary, I agree.
I think the only way to solve this problem is better MS selling a computer and comes with MSFS 2020 then they have no excuse to blame the CTD is causing by individual player’s defected computer
Ah… lol… You’re reading it wrong. Take a look at your last sentence…
I agree, but with a few addenda:
I agree that MSFS 2020 has bugs and the majority of them occurs only on some and not all hardware and software configurations, and that is a very natural phenomenon for all kind of software on PCs . When we talk about MSFS 2020 we are referring to the PC version, not xbox.
I agree that flight sims of the bygone era also have similar number of bugs at present:
Well said.