General reactions

Not gonna lie, pretty underwhelmed by the patch notes. Almost entirely low-hanging fruit bugfixes.

Holding out some hope that maybe they’re going to break 2020’s initial pattern where every patch is 2 steps forward, 1 back, and they break new stuff and then (because Asobo uses Agile but isn’t agile) we’re stuck for weeks since Asobo really doesn’t do hotfixes. Remember when a world update broke the flaps on every plane? Maybe we won’t have to contend with that sort of slop, in exchange for a more plodding dev pace.

edit: What remains to be seen is whether the SDK changes are going to be enough to get PMDG unblocked in their dev process, fingers crossed for that too


Give the thing a chance, it’s only been out twenty minutes - have you even tried it?

Let’s be thankful things are moving in the right direction at last.


Yes, and I can confirm that the ICON A5’s screen is still unreadably dark at night.


I have to agree.

They have got to start somewhere.

We need to try to muster some positivity here. This place has become entirely too depressing and negative.

At minimum, maybe try being neutral?


There is not a single fix listed specific to individual planes…

Ex: c172 item a/b/c fixed
Pc12 item a/b/c fixed
B748 item a/b/c fixed

Hope its only missing from the notes, because otherwise its very underwhelming


One of the CM’s has posted elsewhere that this isn’t the entire list of fixes planned for SU1 so indeed it is low hanging fruit. But if it fixes some niggles in the meantime while bigger stuff gets worked out then great.


I don’t know what to say. Every patch is welcome, but not a single one of the fixes applies to me, and really 95% of them never saw it reported by anyone.
Surprised also not one fix for aircraft, nor most important bugs of career.
Have to wait for for SU2 I guess…


Considering I had a silent CTD during the first post-update load and then had to restart my PC to even try again, I’m not optimistic.

ALSO: on the second load, I get the looping intro movie clips and music but no progress indicator at the bottom. Gonna be hard to know how long the load should take nor where in the process any crashes occur.


But, aircraft fix is not listed … the best exemple is PC-24 have a server package update but have not Patch Note for PC-24 change and other chance

[Moderator edit: please do not ping the Community Managers]

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I’m trying to join the beta, but when I click on downloading the beta in the store, it says “preparing”, and has been for the last 20mins. Is that normal, anyone else have this?

i just had this, just rebooted the pc and now it’s downloading right away

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It’s loaded for me successfully first try.

However, I did toss content.xml and the rollingcache.ccc files, I dunno, just because.

I’m still loading - CPU usage dropped from over 32% now down to 16%, however, and memory usage is pushing 10GB. Still that looping movie with no progress indicator so who knows how long this might take?

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The fixes in this update might have been in the works before the sim was even released, and if so, it’s no surprise the fixes are totally incongruous to the bug reports threads here.

Yeeaaah, I’m gonna let you all test the waters on this one before jumping in.


Thanks so much for allowing Steam users to test also - well done :heart:


It shows everything non-base/deluxe/premium in My library as “Not creator approved” including the Aviator Edition aircraft…


That’s probably not too unexpected for now. Can you at least enable items?

(Still loading … not sure how long to let this go on?)

Even the Aviator Aircraft?! In the Aviator Edition packages?!

(I’m not worried, it’s simply amusing me)


I’m guessing someone has to be tasked with formally testing each one in 2024 for functionality and general experience equivalence to them as originally used in 2020 and then sign off, and none of that has likely happened yet.

Fixing the Midnight bug in Career is a quite an important thing, because you always needed to time your flights in a way that you complete them before midnight to avoid “loosing” the Mission. Of course if you don’t play at that time it doesn’t touch you, but for a lot of people this is quite a really needed fix (and it had also a lot of votes in the bug report, but was not on the Dashboard last week, so it is also a good thing that Asobo takes care of all Bug reports and not only the Top 20 that were listed).