Giza discovery flight missing in menu

Hi, today watching a stream where the host was showcasing the Giza Discovery flight I noticed that for some time I haven’t had that flight in the Core Content Section.

I tried deleting that flight and reinstalling it in the content manager without luck.

Any ideas on this?


Are you on a PC?
If so, with the sim shut down, go to your Official One Store folder, and delete the folder “Asobo-discovery-giza”.
Start the sim.
See if the discovery flight is there now.

do you have the associated aircraft installed?

the textron Aviation cessna
I have the giza discovery flight but not naples

I had the jplogistic mod for the 152, it was replacing the base plane, It is like I haven’t had installed and that was causing the discovery flight not being shown.

I deleted the mod from community and also deleted all cessna 152 items in content manager, and after restart the sim all was good.

Thanks to @TheSevenflyer and @jwpvb3885!


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