I’ll begin with my system specs:
- CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX 32-core processor
- RAM: 128GB DDR4-2933
- GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti
- SSDs: NVMe 2x 512GB
I’ve been encountering a few issues:
- In the alpha, I was seeing 80-100% GPU usage in pretty much every scenario with buttery smooth frame rates. Now, my GPU usage is around 40% and while frame rates are generally good, I see significant FPS drops in some situations, such as flying around New York City. I didn’t have these issues in the alpha.
- As one means of trying to remedy that issue, I’ve been adding manually-cached regions. While I have seen some improvement, the interface to do this is extremely slow. When searching for a new region on the map, it takes as long as 10 minutes to load during which time 2 of my CPU cores are at 100% usage but it isn’t obvious what the simulator is doing.
Anybody have any insight into why these performance issues are present?
Edit: I’m running the latest NVIDIA drivers, latest version of Windows, latest BIOS, and latest chipset drivers.
You have a beast gaming pc. But flight simulator released a day ago and in a few days it might get better soon with bug fixes happening
are you sure the manual cached sceneries are working? Do you see any significant difference?
I haven’t measured the FPS but subjectively the frame rate seems better after manual caching. Is there a better way to determine if the cache is working?
I found and improvement by updating the Nvidia drivers and using the GForce Experience recommended settings. Failing that, set the graphics to basic and work upwards to see what is causing the issues. For me I had to stick to TAA.
Thanks! I suppose performance optimizations will come with time, but I find the drop in GPU usage curious.
I should have mentioned I updated my GPU drives so I do have the latest drivers that were released a few days ago.
I’ll have to try sticking to TAA and see if that helps. Thanks!
I’m wrestling with manual cache now. Have created two areas, one for central london which ended up being a few KiB (thats not a typo!) despite me having selected a decent size area at High. I then went to New York and selected the whole of Manhattan and out to KJFK at high. That ended up as 18gb or something. I’m still not actually convinced its making any discernible difference but I have enough space so I thought what the heck. The process is very laggy though, makes it a pain experimenting. Going to try Las Vegas next cos that looks post apocolyptic to me!
Yeah I’ve noticed that discrepancy as well, where I’ve seen some regions take a few KiB and some taking many GiB. I’m having the same issues with lag, it’s very painstaking to add cached regions. Hopefully Asobo fixes it soon. It also seems to worsen with how many regions you have cached. I’ve got like 21 regions and it took me about an hour to cache the Los Angeles area.
I’m totally guessing here but could the size be related to photogrametry, i.e. if there isn’t any then the download is tiny (although it still takes time).I’ve only got two regions so far and its been 15 mintues since I started on Las Vegas and I still haven’t got to the point when I can start selecting. God knows what its doing but cpu is about 18% , no network activity to speak of. Very strange
Well it’s good to know that those issues aren’t specific to my PC… cause I’m having the exact same problems.
Asobo if you’re reading this pls fix thanks
I have a 3950x + 64gb ram @ 3600, 1080ti, gen 4 nvme 2tb, loading takes a coupe of minutes. I give it a shot at heathrow since i havent loaded that airport yet and report my findings.
Edit: took a little over 2 minutes loading London Heathrow, 90% max load jumbo jet, the one with a top speed of 490 something knots. Flight from heathrow to CDG (charles degualle airport in france).
Sorry for spelling.
Edit 2: loaded up honolulu airport, got into the jet with a 493 knot top speed, set different weights of passengers and luggage. No destination, map loaded under 40 seconds. I have not been to this airport in the game.
a 2990wx will probably run into some CCD latency issues, Try enabling only two 4 core CCDS with SMT disabled?
I’ve thought about that too, but it doesn’t explain the lack of issues I was having in the alpha.
I might play around with disabling a few CCXs, but I’m not gonna spend too much time with the CPU since I intend to upgrade to Zen 3 when it comes out.
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Hi, first post here!
I am getting 22fps Max over built up areas at 1440p using Ryzen 5 3600x RTX3070 16gb DDR4 3400 ram on high settings.
All I want is a constant 30fps at 1440p on either very high or ultra.
Should be able to get that on your system (I’m getting that on a 3600 with 16GB 3200MHz RAM, and a Radeon RX5700XT. Your system should be well able to get that).
Make sure you have AA turned off (application controlled) in your NVidia control panel, and set it to TAA in the sim.
Also make sure you have the correct RAM profile (XMP profile) set in your BIOS.
Another thing to check is to have the glass panel refresh rates set to medium (it really doesn’t need to be on high, and hits the CPU pretty hard).
For the extremely heavy photogrammetry areas you might be CPU bottlenecked.