Just want to leave here a support message to devs, we only shouldnt create topics complaining about the issues and bugs etc… we also must create positive topics just recognise their hardwork in this very complex sim. I can tell you the yesterday patch went a big step in right direction devs, now we have game running smoother than before, and is much better now in overall and thank you for that.
Just keep doing your great work and you will be compensated .
We are here to support you, we love this sim and we love to see this improvements and your amazing work and it should be recognisable. This went the best patch so far, good job one more time devs and whole the team behind this.
Thank you
Ditto!Love it too!! I’m off to get orbx orcas island!
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Completely agree! I came in the forums to look for a thread like this.
I have had to completely uninstall and delete the game in every patch so far, and this one was no different. But after I did, all was great.
Flew from KATL to KJFK in a 747 at FL340 over that depression area left over from Zeta. The aircraft flew like a dream. Autopilot was finally usable, along with autothrottle. Great FPS, beautiful clouds, great lightning, raining like hell when I landed, and recorded the whole flight for me. This was the most enjoyable flight I have had in this game yet.
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Completely agree! This Patch really brought it all together for me! Live weather working, 787 landable, TAA improved, etc. It’s just great, awesome job Asobo!
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