GPU 10%, CPU 40-60% and ultra heavy framedrops plus freezes?

If GPU and CPU would be at 100% i would understand but this i cannot. Is it again their servers and since the word update xiv is out now they nearly crash? I flew not over a city but the new terrain from world update xiv and had to stop it. Its unflyable right now. Or is there any work arround?

Try to disable rolling cache. It’s known to cause freeze and stutters when the cache is reaching the max allocated file size.

If the CPU is at 40 - 60% AVERAGE, it is bound to be heavily main thread limited. Have you tried looking at the MSFS Developer Mode FPS indication to see where the problem lies?

Its 40GB and they recommend to have to prevent framedrops, freezes and microstuttering. Now i am confused.

It is good at first. But when the cache size is reaching the allocated file size, the freeze and stutters begin.

The bigger the file size is, the more severe the freeze and stutters.

But instead of disabling wouldnt it be better to delete it reguarly?

You could also delete it regularly, but you never know when it would hit the max file size.

Devmode is not active. And if how can i see what the problem would be?

Then i delete it whenever i start it. 40GB should be ok for one session so far.

Turn on Dev mode. At the main startup menu go to options, General Options - Developer and turn on Developer Mode, click Apply and save. Load and start a flight as you normally would. You will now have the Developer menu at the top of your screen. Click on Debug - Display FPS. You will see something like this:

Take a look at what is the limiting component in terms of frame time (in the screenshot it it CPU main thread limited). The longer the frame time and the bigger the difference in frame time between your CPU ad GPU, the bigger the disparity in capability IN THE SELECTED SCENARIO.

You can also see the utilisation of your CPU’s threads in the Windows Task Manager under the “Performance” tab. This will show you the utilisation of each of the threads of your CPU with one likely being maxed out and the others less heavily utilised: that is the way in the sim. Example of the same situation as the Dev mode FPS counter:

You can see the one core is maxed out, the others not.

Hope this helps!

I am not flying right now but i will bookmark this and test the devmode to take a deeper look. The CPU (Ryzen 7 3800X) will be replaced by 7 7800X3D to perform better with the RTX 4070Ti. Deleting the rolling cache also seems to help a bit. Thank you for your efforts. :clap: :clap:

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Forgive me if I tell you something you already know…

The 3800X is an AM4 CPU
The 7800X3D is an AM5 CPU, which will require a new motherboard, and depending on the motherboard, possibly DDR5 RAM instead of the DDR4 RAM the motherboard your 3800X runs on.

It’s not a straight CPU swap. You could replace the 3800X with a 5800X3D (assuming your current BIOS is certified for it - or can be upgraded to a version that is) and keep your MOBO and RAM. You’d get a healthy bump in performance with that CPU.

You have every right to be confused. You have stumbled into the partisan battle over the rolling cache. One camp vehemently insists that it needs to deleted / recreated with some regularity to improve performance or to prevent updates from creating havoc. The other camp dismisses these arguments and just leaves it alone. At least intuitively, the cache should improve performance, reduce server/bandwidth loads, and extend SSD life but I suppose the Asobo implementation of the cache could have all kinds of gremlins that make that not so.

Np. I replace RAM and MoBo too since as you said for 7800x3d i need an am5 board. But you agree that the 3800x is probably to weak resp. the bottleneck?

I am afraid you are right. Intuitive i would expect that rolling cache is good and better the bigger it is.

Not necessarily. There isn’t very much good information about the Rolling Cache. The cache file sizing is very dependent on the type and location of the flight. What might be the best size for you might be worse for me. The basic premise is that any scenery MSFS needs is downloaded if it isn’t in the cache already or if the file is in the cache MSFS reads it directly. The best performance would be that every scenery file is already in the cache and no network download is needed. The worst performance would be there are no scenery files in cache and every file has to be downloaded. A compromise would be that there are more files read from cache than downloaded.

If your flights are totally random there may not be any usable scenery files in Rolling Cache. You might want to make a much smaller cache file. If your flights are mainly around one airport or city, a larger cache file would be beneficial. It comes down to what scenery is going to be reused. There is some overhead using the Rolling Cache. In other words, one size doesn’t fit all. You might try a 20 GB or 10 GB cache file size to see if there is improvement. Bigger is not necessarily better.

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