My GPU is allways at 100% (means that the GPU processor is fully used?).
My CPU usage is 30-40%.
Does that mean that my CPU could do much more but the overall performance ist slowed down because my GPU (RTX 2070) is to slow?
My GPU is allways at 100% (means that the GPU processor is fully used?).
My CPU usage is 30-40%.
Does that mean that my CPU could do much more but the overall performance ist slowed down because my GPU (RTX 2070) is to slow?
This is the ideal situation, where you are GPU limited.
What you don’t want is to have the GPU at less than 90% due to being CPU limited.
Therefore if you want any better performance, you’d have to upgrade the GPU.
If at any point you GPU usage is less than 90% you need to upgrade the CPU.
I hope that’s clear.
Hi, thanks. So my interpretation was correct.
I have now a RTX 2070 8 GB; where to go?
RTX 3070 8 GB
RTX 3080 10 GB
Depends on what you can afford, I’d wait RTX 3080 Ti which should come out in the next 3 months but will cost around 999$. If you can’t afford that then RTX 3080 is fine I have it myself and it’s a very smooth experience.
also take a good look at the new RX 6000 series GPU’s from AMD.
Anything really, I like my 3080 a lot, but any thing that’s 3070, RX 6800, RX 6800 XT, RTX 3080, or higher will do well most likely. What CPU do you have first though?
You can also lower some settings which don’t have any visible effect or negligible (E.g. setting render scale at 200% using a 4K output). If you post your settings and current fps we can help.
I have a i9-10900k
Rtx 3090
Gpu is never above 90%
What other CPU’s are out there besides the new Ryzens