GPU and CPU fans always at minimum

Hi all,
after the SU7 I have some critical stutter every time on descent phase, landing and taxi out to the gate. This problem appears with every graphic configuration (low end or hi end is the same), with DX11 or DX12, and also with older Nvidia driver. As I start the simulator is ok, and is ok until the cruise phase, but as I start the descent phase problems come out: the descent goes with 15-20 fps, the approacing around 5-6 fps and the landing with 1-2 fps.

Trying to find out the problem I noticed that the GPU and CPU fans always run at idle. For example, when I run X-Plane they always go faster, sometimes as fast as possible, but with MSFS the speed is always at a minimum. However I remember that before the SU7 they were running almost at full speed as soon as I opened the simulator… so I think the problem is with the loading of the GPU and the CPU.

Has anyone had the same problem?

For the details:
Steam version
Intel i5 8500k
32Gb RAM
Nvidia 3070
Running on 2K monitor
Windows 10 with all the updates
Latest Nvidia Driver
Beta hotfix installed

Before SU7 I setted up all to ULTRA, with LOD 400. Now I have stutters also with the worse possible graphic settings…

What are you CPU and GPU temps and utilization percentage? Maybe the fans running slow are just because your processors are being under utilized due to some other issue

Hi and thank you!

I don’t know where to see that informations, could you help me?

i5 8500k? little lost right there. Have you tried lowering the LOD?

Hi and thank you!

Yes, I’ve tried also with LOD at 10, but nothing changes… before SU7 I had always the LOD at 400…

we have some existing topics ( as you know ) about stutters while landing, near/at ground, etc… have you already checked this existing ones whether you can join into ?

an example forum search ( you can use different keywords in own search ): Search results for 'stutter landing order:latest' - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

In special if you are on beta, we have own category and may be following is interessting:

Are you on the latest Nvidia drivers? Not sure if this is related but mine only revs up when I am in the sim, minimizing my gpu goes to idle.

Open Task Manager. Select the “Performance” tab, and you should see graphs of the CPU and GPU utilization percentage. See what percentages you are at while flying.

GPU temp is also shown in the GPU info screen. CPU temp is usually found by installing a HW monitoring utility.

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Thank you all for the replies,
so, @MichaMMA yes, I checked the topics I found, but I didn’t find anything about the fans… But thank you, I will lookup better :wink:

@MLTAVIATOR99 yes, I have the latest drivers, but I have the same problem also with the old one (also with the 472.12).

@BigCow74 ok, I will look for the load and temperature. :wink:

Thank you!

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I’ve noticed that when my FPS drops while on final approach MSFS starts downloading and then processing a huge amount of files, hundreds of megabytes. It looks like for the airport I’m flying into, all the objects, graphics, and textures are being downloaded. Pausing the sim until the downloads are finished seems to restore performance back to normal. Currently I’m trying the OFFLINE mode which seems to help with performance but the graphics are junk. Definitely not a good workaround. These massive downloads at critical times during a flight need to stop.

Just to let you know that I solved my problem with a solution found inside this forum, on that thread: Worse Performance - SU7 - FPS - #230 by RealBalzy