GPU on full power FIX

This is possibly known already, but if you want to walk away from the PC for a bit between flights and would like the GPU to power down, all you need to do is go to the map screen and open the load/save menu. It seems to hand over to Windows and completely power the sim down. Starts up again when you close it.


Thanks for that, works a treat. Means I can take coffee break or whatever and not have to worry if I’m delayed.

Thanks for the work around !
Yes, this works wellt. GPU temps drop to 34-35C. Seems like they ought to be able to have a pause function or just optimize all time when not flying to operate at this level. I’ve read other threads about limiting FPS in Nvidia control but that seems to lower FPS when flying even though you set the limit higher than what you get in flight. I find myself rushing to click fly now and just sit on the runway, otherwise my GPU just wants to runaway. I don’t need 100+FPS in the menus and my GPU running 80+ C. But this is what we’re stuck with until Asobo find a better way to optimize this.
We really need to get this issue some priority, because it seems totally unneccessary to put more strain on the system when in menus than when flying and ths proves it is possible and should be a somewhat easy thing to fix.

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