Ground traffic drives thru my plane?

Not sure if this is a setting or a choice somewhere else. If I start static at PARKING, and attempt to taxi, I am stopped by a building, but can pass ‘thru’ ground traffic and people. Also, when taxiing and a vehicle is approaching, it will drive thru me. Maybe it’s a setting? Thanks

Is not a setting as far as I know. you can create a ticket on Zendesk so they can fix it on the next update.

If corrected, would you kill a ground personnel dude standing in front of your plane taxiing into him? Or damage your plane if holding short and a truck randomly decided to pass thru your position? That may be why they allow this…just speculating. Although from a ‘game’ standpoint it would be interesting to add prop damage on a baggage handler…

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I’m hunting the ground personal, i hate them :sunglasses:

It’s not a setting. It’s called ■■■■■■ attention to detail by Asobo. This is normal behaviour in this sim. It shouldn’t be, but it is. And there’s nothing you can do about it except turn off ground traffic and workers. Even then, there will still be some ground crew.

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There’s never going to be time that your flight ended because you ran over a fuel truck. That’s not an enjoyable experience. If you want to run over people and blow stuff up there’s plenty of other games out there.

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No, it is called a compromise: collision detection does not come for free.

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