Right. I will give it a try.
I’m aware of how they work.
For anyone else who may be having an issue - RPM would reset whenever literally any keyboard input was made. Reconfiguring joystick controls in Windows seems to have fixed it.
TM Warthog throttle + stick and saitek pedals.
What, exactly, is the question then? The switches are simple three-way spring-loaded switches that adjust the prop governor to increase or decrease the RPM. So saying “the switches reset to 0%” doesn’t make sense.
Did you mean to say, “the propeller governor resets to 0%”? If so, then you obviously need to search for confilicting keybinds.
MSFS24 reads the input as a percentage, hence the numeric value. I thought that the context was clear since, as you said, the alternative doesn’t make sense.
Chalk it up to more FS24’ weirdness.
The HU16 and G111 have different sound packs! I thought I was losing it for a sec, but I had just flown the G111 variant before spawning the HU16 variant. The sounds are different, indeed!
FWIW, I strongly prefer the G111 interior sound (more intense prop sounds) and the HU16 exterior sound (more enhancement of combustion sounds, higher quality samples).
I’d like to second that the autopilot does not track VS or ALT at all. Seems to not be controlling pitch. Looks like it’s trying to hold the VS/ALT, but is unable to trim for it. Seems to get stuck in a continuous climb.
Just a question - I don’t see a VS or FLC mode activated. Did you have either of those selected prior to flying through the bugged altitude?
To be fair, I haven’t tried this version of the plane yet, and maybe you’re saying they can’t be selected in the first place.
Yep, I’ve tried it in FLC and VS mode to capture the ALT. Both are selectable, they just are unable to control pitch. The more I look into it, it seems like there just isn’t enough pitch down authority. I’m including another screenshot from the exterior which shows the trim pegged by the autopilot at -42% and still unable to get the nose down, which is why it continues to climb. It’s a shame, because it’s the aircraft in the sim I was most interested in, and is visually stunning. But the lack of pitch control on the autopilot makes it difficult to fly.
If you scroll back a ways (quite a ways now), @Ramasurinen has posted the fixes for the first patch, which includes a correction to pitch authority values.
@KyleFarrell762 Yes, the autopilot is currently running out of pitch trim authority beyond around 180 knots IAS. The problem affects both versions of the Albatross.
I have implemented a quick fix for this in the first update for the planes (submitted and hopefully coming soon!), and will make a more elegant fix for the second and larger update, which will hopefully be done before the end of the year.
@ur2tall Thanks, I will pass on your comments to the audio team at MS.
@zac0006 I am working on career mode compatibility right now. I will update everyone here on that before the second update.
@SArcher8818 When the first Albatross update I submitted is released (hopefully soon) the G1000s should be working a lot better. Any further issues with them after that will probably be global ones and in Working Title’s domain.
Thanks everyone for helping each other out with control settings. I will read through all the posts on that and see if there’s anything I can improve on my end.
Cheers all!
Definitely a gem in the Aviator edition, one of the few planes I will actually use.
Would be nice though to have an option to get rid of the prop strobe effect. Those always bug me, like you are always looking through a camera.
@Zobleb Thank you for the kind words, I’m glad you like it!
Oh… just wait for update #2. I have something special cooking as part of that one. Let’s just say the current prop animations are quite “placeholder”.
Was reading about the plane on wiki and saw that it wasn’t uncommon for them to be fitted out for JATO. Here’s a video in German from the 60s showing it off. Looks so cool.
Now I ain’t asking for this to be added as I know it most likely ain’t feasable but a boy can dream.
@Megadyptes7635 Yup, it was fairly common, especially for rapid egress after an open ocean rescue when under artillery fire from shore, which happened a lot in Korea and Vietnam.
Strapping a bunch of effectively uncontrollable rocket motors to the side of a seaplane once again proves that the only real difference between military engineers and the average nine year old kid are their budgets.
It absolutely is doable in FS, it’s just a ton of extra work that I didn’t have anywhere near enough time for, and unfortunately I really still don’t. Maybe someday, who knows.
So much praise (very highly deserved) has been bestowed upon this aircraft that I will shorten my post to simply say, this is by far the most impressive thing to arise from MSFS 2024 that I have yet seen. I have only two things that for me would make it even more beautiful:
- A lovely post WWII Dark Sea Blue Livery. Any NAS is fine with me.
- A mission where a downed US airman in a raft could be picked up at sea and taken aboard. Not sure if this is something that would need to be done by Asobo, or if it would be possible at all.
This airplane is a joy to fly and look at- my heartfelt thanks to it’s developers!!!
I noted the JATO controls forward of the prop controls on the overhead.
I had to double-take, for a moment!
Two Naval Stations known for Amphib Operations are MUGM NAS Cuba, McCalla Field. Interesting fact McCalla Field also hosted Blimps. NAS Corpus Christi my last Station also hosted a Amphib Base and Still has the ramps. There by the USCG hanger and side. Helo Operations where transferred to KCRP new Airstation. But fixed wing and the Amphib area is still under USCG Control at NAS Corpus. Historically USCG Dinner Key Miami FL Operated Hu16’s. The USCG has a few flyable preserved HU16’s. There usually hanging ten and tanning in San Fran, Coast Guard Is Station.
The Albatross wasn’t really on my list of aircraft I was excited about in 2024. I was wrong, it is one of the best. Thank you for listening to feedback and keeping us updated, and thanks for a great plane.
@LemonTag102808 @Nazarene455 Thank you for the lovely comments, I really appreciate it!
I am not sure if the license for the US Navy Albatross covers multiple liveries, but I will ask. If so I’ll add a dark navy blue one to the wish list for later.
I will be investigating the career mode requirements and options soon. It wasn’t available to test prior to the release of the sim so I was uncomfortable trying to implement any of that functionality sight unseen. I recall seeing somewhere that water ops in career mode are somewhat limited for fixed wing currently, but I will inquire about it.