After long struggling with native G1000/G3000 MSFS airplanes I think I’m hooked on the PMS GTN750 for VR use. It took going paid, but it’s a bargain.
I still would not run DLSS, but there are no tiny buttons to contend with
I feel like I spent the last year trying to get a usable glass cockpit and it was there all along. And it often comes with a 6 pack.
Although, I’d love to see the G1000/G3000 get VR optimizations.
Could you clarify what’s wrong with G1/3k for VR use? I fly planes with it extensively in VR with VR controllers and find it mostly ok, minus general VR issues but once you have controllers setup it’s mostly fine.
It’s just harder to see some of the finer details in VR.
This depends on the quality of your headset and the power of your PC. No issue at all for me to see any cockpit gauges (steam or glass) details with Reverb G2 or Pimax Crystal. I don’t even need to lean it.
G2/3080ti. I think supersampling with a 4090 may help considerably but I haven’t upgraded yet.
I was perfectly happy with G2 and 3070 (although FPS were small). DLSS quality, the resoulution in OpenXR Developer tools 80%. Then I upgraded to 4070Ti it allowed the resolution in the developer tools 120% plus the Motion Reprojection at 23 FPS (not super great but all clear on the glass displays). For even more clarity you can lower the resolution and switch to TAA 100.
Now I’m on 4090 and Pimax Cristal and VR image is better than 2D display image (TAA 100, ca. 40 FPS).
I’m on a low 3060TI on the G2, for the most part I find the G1000/3000 to be perfectly readable, with the exception of things like charts. Hopefully will get to upgrade soonish.
Not much helps with the charts except some pan/zoom and camera positions.
But I do think the GTN 750 makes for an optimized VR experience. It’s touch screen design lends itself to easy VR use. Although I wasn’t happy with it until I got a paid version.
I use G1000/G3000 systems plenty too. I use hat switch and focus bindings to move about the virtual cockpit and see with clarity without having to think much about it.
I also have the physical button locations on the G1000 memorized. I’m not sure how you guys are seeing them with any level of clarity. I’m tuned for 36 minimum FPS and they are blurry from normal seated position.
I agree with you the PMS750 is excellent I’ve been using it since day one. Yes DLSS in VR isn’t that good, but generally speaking is still use TAA for VR. I just find the TAA feel cleaner and smoother than DLSS in VR anyhow. But I’m running a Quest2. Waiting for my Crystal to ship, maybe things will be better then?
Anyhow stick with TAA if you can for using the PMS750 in VR.
Yeah, I can’t handle DLAA for anything with a glass panel. I may use it on a very simple airplane
What video card do you have? I’ve been eying the Crystal but have a few reservations.
I’m currently running the a 3080ti coupled to an i9-12000k with 64GB RAM. What are your reservations with the crystal?
Batteries, custom runtime, extra complexities from standalone feature.
I’m also not sure if it’s a negative but it looks like a Sith helmet from Star Wars.
Interesting, the power is not hardwired through the USB connector?
What sort of extra complexities are there, cannot be any worst than getting the Oculus Quest2 set up for the first time… I currently have to run like three external programs to get the Q2 to run smoothly… And the quality just isn’t there…
PS. I like the Sith helmet reference, it’ll match with my Sith combat lightsabre…
I’d just prefer a high quality PCVR only headset for added simplicity.
From what I’ve read, getting the Pimax software configured and running problem free can be a challenge but improvements are being made. Unlike Meta, they seems eager to support that segment.
The battery may make a nice counterweight at least. I’d just rather not have to deal with them at the same time.
I my case Crystal started at first shot without any configuration issues. Possibly I was just lucky. I was much easier vs. Reverb G2 two years ago (or maybe I’m just more proficient now with VR).
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