as written in the Topic Title, the Transponder is missing in the H125, which is important for online flying.
Best Regards
as written in the Topic Title, the Transponder is missing in the H125, which is important for online flying.
Best Regards
It is not missing, it is in the gps where you also set the radios.
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noticed this to, i mean you can use the transponder in the pilot client via commands but its quite a big ommission to not have a transponder in this machine
I confirm that this is an issue. We are talking about the default H125 helicopter in MSFS 2024, Please consider moving the thread back to the Bug Reporting Hub.
The ATC panel can control the transponder following directions from ATC, so the helicopter seems to model a transponder under the hood, but the cockpit layout does not have any instrument that can change the transponder setting. The user cannot follow ATC instructions by operating the cockpit.
This is true for all 5 configurations of the helicopter: rescue, rescue host, passenger, agricultural and cargo.
Très embêtant lorsqu’on utilise ATC VFR par exemple, bloquant.
Very annoying when we use “ATC VFR”, transponder is mandatory.
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[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it? NO EFFECT
[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use? RTX 3080
[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share? RYZEN 9 5950x