For the first time ever I have been “Hard” crashing to a reboot. Yesterday 3 time at about 2:30 into a 4hr flight. Today 5min into a 2hr flight.
Anybody else?
For the first time ever I have been “Hard” crashing to a reboot. Yesterday 3 time at about 2:30 into a 4hr flight. Today 5min into a 2hr flight.
Anybody else?
I had a CDT this afternoon 2 minutes after take-off from LFML. I did the same flight again at the end of the afternoon without any problem. I didn’t have any problems during the AAU2 beta.
I have flown a couple of six hour stints since update and am 3 hours into a flight plan right now and no issues what so ever.
I had a complete crash this morning (BSD) not sure if hardware or not. I did however receive an update prior.
I had this happen on my first flight after updating. Never before has this caused my PC to reboot, and I’ve used this sim a lot since 2020
No hard crashes but my PC did oddly reboot out of nowhere after I had already closed down MSFS the other day. I thought maybe I had hit or clicked on something but that wasn’t really possible. It wasn’t a reboot for installing any windows updates either.