Has MSFS 2024 Bing map data been updated?

We know that the MSFS 2020 Bing data was at least 5 years old at the time MS2020 was released. That would make that data at least 9 years old now.

Is there any indication that the Bing data and the 3D modeling based on it has been updated for MSFS 2024?


Hi :slight_smile:

EDIT : I was wrong, Hester40MT corrected me.

Bing Data are streamed to your computer, normaly. When data is updated on Bing Maps online, your simulator directly benefits from it. Sole exception, if you fly offline, were basic map information are the only one available on your computer. I think that with World Updates, Bing data relevant to the part of the world is also updated for the region concerned by the World Update.

So, I guess there’s not much to do for the 2024 iteration.

Note : I highly doubt you’ll have more than this kind of information, based on the fact that except the FAQ, no official communication has been made about what will be, or not, in the new sim.


We would all hope that imagery and photogrammetry used in MSFS 2024 will be updated to the most recently available but who knows.
I’m also hoping that the Blackshark AI algorithm used to generate buildings, trees and airports will have been improved so we get better accuracy.


This actually isn’t true unless you are referring to snapshots. The Bing data in MSFS is a snapshot from when MSFS was first created and not streamed from current Bing maps. New Bing data may only be updated in World Updates. However, Jorg did mention that new snapshots would be included in future MSFS updates. This is a process that can take some time to scrub, exclude areas from local governments, and color correct these maps worldwide.


The Blackshark.AI processing and generation of terrain and 3D buildings based on satellite data seems to most likely be the improvement. Can’t wait to experience the enhanced visual fidelity and realism it brings to the game. Exciting times ahead for flight simulation enthusiasts!


I hope for no more popping-out textures/mountains. This is killing immersion for me.


I agree. But this is a separate issue and one I do hope they fix without losing performance. :slight_smile:

I stand corrected, thanks, appreciated !

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It would be nice if this could be done “on the fly” with current maps but I have a feeling it would cause more pauses and stutters as it “fixes” these areas. :slight_smile: Thus the reason of stored snapshots.

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I might have been misled by the existence of this (very intrusive but popular, which no one should ever install) add-on which uses data from other maps providers to display in the sim. It tricked me in thinking that it was “just” an add-on which replaced the source of info (from Bing Maps to others) through DNS+local Proxification, but I must be wrong.

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Thanks for the replies. I was hoping I missed something in the announcement. Most of my flying is in the rural Northwest US areas (Washington, Idaho, Montana, etc.) As such, it gets little attention and was hoping it would get a new Blackshark update of the buildings. One of the airports I visit is even marked closed with Xs on the runway. Bing maps shows it open with half a dozen crop dusters on it.

Oh well. Guess I’ll have to learn how to do airports to fix it.

Thanks again.

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Just remember that addons such as this aren’t licensed to Microsoft (even the Bing Map version of it) where it alters licensed data.

I hear you there. It also an area where I fly most both in sim and in real life. Hope and wait. :+1:

Yeah, I know.

And if I can use this post for a notice : security-wise, this addon make a Certificate Authority recognition on the computer, and poses a HUGE security issue (and is closed sourced since a few monthes). I’d recommend not to install it (and that’s also why I did not name it).

Same boat, captain. Hm. Same plane :wink:

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Not only is it important to update the satellite maps, but they should also come up with a better way to fill in the gaps.

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Bing data is Bing data.
If it’s updated, it’s displayed in MSFS and '24 as well. If it’s old, it’s old on both.

Not true. As written above, MSFS only contains snapshots, so it could be updated globally instead of WU by WU. This would be cool, because even if you use the thing we don’t talk about, it only provides better ground textures, but not updated houses or forrest locations.

This could be the day we have been all WAITING for.

MSFS gives Bings maps a bout.

Interesting question I would assume so and if that has happened will we need new world update patches or because it will be cloud based we wont need to download world updates our side no more.

Per Jorg, they are using “several” satellite imagery to improve the map and mesh data! He was even hesitant regarding future world updates for MSFS 2024 because he believe the use of several satellite data with AI will help them have very detailed mapping, Autogen generation, topo and mesh generation across the globe. I am really hoping that we get significant improvements on the mesh/topo data, as well as better blending on the imagery in general! This can be big if MSFS does a thorough job and keeps it up to data with the available data! Hope the water level in lakes, etc. are also presented better in the new Sim.