Having Cabin Pressure warning A320 FBW, every time now/ Advice plz, guys

Iv, enjoyed Cold and Dark, ever since its concept, before I retired I had access to free printing, and binding, take home and read, how to…ect…FMCU, but since 2020MSFS, developer A320NX, following start up procedure, theres nothing about reading flt pressure settings, By trial and Error, iv turned off right eng feed, clicked manual switch, but what is correct procedure. Any advice plz guys,

i don´t know what you are asking to be honest

From what I understand you‘re having issues with the cabin pressure in the A320? Which version? Default or FBW?

The Airbus does it all on its own, all you need to take care of is that all lights on the overhead panel are off. Don‘t turn off packs or bleed air.

Hi thx for help, i fly the FBW, i follow the start up, till i know it off by heart, so you can imagine my shock, horror at seeing a red reading increasing by 50 ever few seconds 9200,9250,9300,ect,ect, turning off eng bleed stops and decreases that value…

Im going back on now ,i think i may be switching off, whats all ready on, all other on switches over head are black,ie… on. But the engines bleed are showing white???
I wonder…thx again

Topic moved into 3rd Party aircraft #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft and title altered to reflect aircraft type.

Sorted guys, i was turning off bleed, lol…thx all