Hawaiian Holiday

We will be flying short hops on 2 islands in a fun plane made for just this type of flying.

Plane: Robin Cap 10
Server: West Europe
All Players
Real weather
Real time

Look for me on Discord in one of the flight rooms or terminals under “Dougiesy”

Airports in order with landings:

PHJH Kapalua
18HI Brandt Field - Landing
PHLU Kalaupapa Apt - Touch and Go
PHMK Molokai - Landing
HI49 Panda - Touch and Go
PHNG Kanohe - Touch and Go
PHHI Wheeler AAF - Touch and Go
PHDA Dillingham Airfield - End

Flight should be around an hour or an hour and a half.

Flight Plan:


Hope to see you there!!!

I am very happy :wink:

Me too!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Very good!Thank
