Headtracking with EDTracker problem

Hi everyone

I’m using EDTracker for headtracking.

I can set the ED tracker X and Y axis to camera yaw and pitch in the settings just fine, which is great!

The problem is, ingame, instead of moving the camera just the distance of my head, it treats it like a continuous input. IE, moving my head up moves the camera up but I have to centre my head again to stop it from continuing to pitch up.

Does anyone know how I can get FS2020 to just use the absolute motion of my head rather than treat it as continuous motion?


If anyone’s curious, I solved the problem by using OpenTrack to emulate TrackIR input

I will have to give that a go, I was having exactly the same issue as you.

Thanks I’ll give that a go as I was having the same problem

I’ve just discovered this tutorial video on how to set up EDTracker with OpenTrack to provide pseudo-6DoF, which lets you move your head side to side, and zoom in on the instrument panel when you tilt down. https://youtu.be/4fUb87WsdaY
Previously I had EDTracker set up in OpenTrack to use just Yaw and Pitch settings, but this completely transforms the experience by adding Roll and some clever combinations to make it perform a bit like you have full movement. The difference is amazing!