Still broken, i’ve solved the problem by selling it
Sold the plane or the game?
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I just managed my first full 300nm flight. The batteries still won’t charge mid flight, but by shutting down the electrical engines (2 and 3) during cruise kept the high voltage draining slowly enough that i could use all 4 engines for approach and landing. The low voltage drained completely, but all my systems remained online. It’s possible they just made a temporary fix that the battery stops draining at 0.001% or something? Idk…
Edit: This is SU1 beta
I didnt see this in the op post but the garmin 3000 seems to be broken as well wx radar shows standby when operated
also the perf page shows plane type as c700 with msg TOLD Table invalid
The throttle axis’s don’t seem to work properly with this plane. Visually they say 50% and 1 notch below that says “Ground Idle”
When you go from “Ground Idle” to 50% the plane does a backflip from parking position which shouldn’t be possible.
When I do get it in the air lowering the throttle to 50% (which is the lowest you can put it) puts the props into reverse and the rpm just keeps going up indefinitely to 9999 and beyond. This is definitely a bug.
I have some similar issues. They are stuck in full power. When I decrease power I see the lever „flipping“. But they will return to full power. I also tried to invert the axis on my Honeycomb but that didn’t work too.
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• After loading into aircraft, aircraft crashes before doing anything, landing gear failure.
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• PC
Yes I also have the same issue, as well as the es30 backflipping when activating reverse thrust.
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• this happen in Xbox Series too.
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• I am on Xbox and it does it to me all the time and it’s really making me mad because I bought this plane to make money and all I have done is spend money and now my rating has gone from an all the way down to a D and I’ve lost all my endgame currency trying to use this plane… and I am on Xbox series x so NO MODS!
Anyone had it where if you cancel that “reverse thrust” bug, you then have absolutely no thrust despite it registering you’re moving the throttle quadrant up and down?
Also no aileron/elevator movement… so basically you can’t go backwards, forwards, left or right…
Every button on my system works such as external internal view but absolutely no flight controls or thrust?
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• Mission is sometimes to long and no more Power to continue
Lot of bug enter without annoucence ment i do nothing, mission cancell you dont respect but respect what. Lot of thing like the initial poster of this threaf
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It’s not magically going to fix itself. It will likely be worked into a future update. I just don’t think it is going to be this next update. I hope it is fixed soon though. Looks like a cool plane to fly!
Currently not fixed in SU1 beta
Had the reverse but happen to me.