Description of the issue:
I am level 189 in career mode, have passed all certifications, have 17 specializations, including light cargo, medium cargo and heavy cargo. I have saved up the money and bought a plane worth millions so that I can fly heavy cargo. And I have to admit that as a freelancer or as an employee there is not a single job in the world for heavy cargo. When will there be jobs? When will career mode finally work properly?
I don’t use addons!
When Asobo decide to give us the functionality we paid for.
Same issue
level 170-ish all aircraft certifications and specializations for fixed wing that you can get
not a single Heavy Cargo to be found after buying the Saab 340
im getting a very odd issue while doing the heavy cargo career mission, after an hour of flying the simulator tells me im on my path and sets me back at the starting point above the runway. it is extremely frustrating and im not sure why this is happening? These missions are supposedly 5hrs long and my FMS tells me i will reach my destination in around 2 hrs ish… but without fail after reaching my second waypoint it resets me back. Any clue how to fix this?