Heavy Cargo - No base sim plane for missions

Yeah very sad situation, let’s hope this will be fixed in Q1 update :frowning:

The A400 Atlas in the Standard edition seems like a natural fit for Heavy Cargo missions. It’s probably the case that Asobo simply hasn’t finished developing this plane and mission type, so we just need to be patient.

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@ScarredOtter @RDPRagnar @Mooncatt3953 @ZalamanderFI and anyone else that was concerned: solutions to topics can be marked by the Original Poster of the topic, or Moderators+ at any time. Solutions shouldn’t necessarily be taken as an official response from Microsoft unless Microsoft have said so!

If the lack of Heavy Cargo planes is deliberate, Microsoft will close the topic and state that the choice was ‘By-Design’ in the closing comment.

For what it’s worth, I personally don’t think base sim users are deliberately ‘pay-walled’ out of Heavy Cargo, and I think that it just hasn’t been released yet. I hope this post helps to clarify things :slight_smile:

Even if Microsoft was not planning on pay-walling the heavy cargo content, they did. And that is just a fact at this moment in time. They simply cannot launch a base game promising content and pay-wallet it. Specially since the career mode was one of the main advertisements for the game, it is nearly in all the images we see during the boot loading screen. It is outrageous to say the least.

We are on January 2025 already and had zero say by Microsoft on this issue.

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• Same issue. Level 130+ 10M+ in funds. No planes show up.

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The Aircraft for initial mision (Yellow Mission) is not activate, iirc is a A400M.

Because all inibuild is not available right now

Hi all,

Thanks for your further comments and reports regarding this. Please rest assured that this has been feedback-logged and the team are aware of the issue.

The MSFS Team

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I got the A400m and in my case, the Saab shows up for heavy cargo. BUT the yellow mission does not show up.

An answer when we can expect the missions to be available would be great.


Yes, can they acknowledge that either heavy missions is something due to a bug, or they have to finish cargo missions and heavy/super-heavy won’t be available for a while?

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Even if you had the Saab, no jobs show up.

If the jobs aren’t ready due to some bug buying the plane for the job should be disabled as well.

Correct. I have the same issue. Its likely there is no “heavy cargo unlock” mission.

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• Even if you can buy the saab 304 there are no mission for it.

With SU1 … because aircraft use for initial mission is not availalbe on career mode

We will hear crickets about this. Embarrassing they have not finished career mode, the super heavy cert is still locked for a reason, career mode and big planes just aren’t working. Actually the entire sim and big planes are not working. The airliner passenger missions plane crashes at the gate. Even renaming your company was a coming soon feature until the last patch.
Lots of coming soon stuff


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I don’t even see the heavy cargo specialisation on my app. Is this career mode exclusively for premium versions and not in base game.
I have a cargo company but largest plane is the pc 12. Shows I can purchase super heavy in the future but without heavy cargo plane or missions I can t even aspire to that level. Please explain what the limits of the base game are. Happy to upgrade if I have clarity that it makes a difference and the missions will be available

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