Helicopter Career Mode only

Be great if we had a direct to helicopter career mode as I just have no interest in going through the fixed wing stages to get my helicopter career started.


You only need to do the initial ppl and then you can do helicopters, it’s pretty fast


Um no you don’t have enough credits to take the helicopter licence after the PPL , and you have to go out and earn credits flying fixed wings, it is of zero interest and IRL you don’t have to fly fixed wing to get your PPLH or CPLH.

It would be better if you could just skip the FW .


…plus after you have the certification for helicopters the missions in the map are mainly fixed wing - which is super unnecessary if you wanne fly helis.

Just a normal career path with heli basics, maneuver basics and so on.

They are two different paths in real life, why make it so complicated in the sim?


I agree - and I also think forcing STANDARD edition players into helis when we have a perfectly good Cropduster available ( but i needs to be in a non-firefighting variant ).

Helicopters should NOT be a barrier to starting companies in career for plane pilots.

And planes should NOT be a barrier to heli pilots to starting companies.

the two branches should be made firmly separated from each other.

Also the ATC window is very annoying now in 2024 - when you are a plane trying to contact a nearest airport - and you are forced to page through hundreds of Heliports just to find a freaking airport.

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Oh didn’t actually notice that tbh, it was 3 flights (I think) so I forgot about them. Fair enough then

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I have done all the fixed wing stuff now and qualified for Heli exam but I only have 3000 credits , how do I earn another 500 as I do missions in fixed wing successfully complete and I level up but don’t earn credits… Does that mean I need to get my Fixed wing CPL before helicopters?

Looks like I need to do CPL fixed wing as I only have 3000 credits and you need 3500 for the Helicopter PPL, so if you don’t have the fixed wing CPL you can’t earn credits , have I missed something?

Even when you get all your heli certs, virtually none of the missions make use of the tens of thousands of helipads. Absolutely mindblowing. Why would you ever want to use the endless amounts of helipads to fly helicopter missions in a helicopter company? Asobo logic.

Also wish I would have held out on my certs until they fixed the missing trims on the skycrane and 125. Rawdogging those hoist and sling certs was brutal.


Totally… and 95% of the missions (at least on my map) are fixed-wing missions… really unnecessary.

All the helicopter missions pay so badly !

It will take a month to earn enough credit to get to the ATPLor months to buy your own h125 if you start a company.

I wonder if you have to do the fixed wing to get paid better?

Any ideas?

Once you have the heli commercial rating and save up about 25,000, you will be given the option of buying a used Cabri cheaply (don’t sell it, you won’t be offered another at that price). Then you can start a flight seeing company and start earning some real money (like 25,000 per flight) as a freelancer. Just beware that insurance system doesn’t work and there are no loans available, so if you wreck it before you’ve saved up enough to either buy another used one or have enough to pay for serious repairs, you are going to be out of luck and probably just need to begin a whole new career or just stick with working as an employee and forget about the money.

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ok . so I need to save 25000 as an employee then open up a company ?

I am a level 40 and have all the heli endorsements except the ATPL.

Ok bought the company and the helicopter but how do I set up the business to earn money, there are no missions as a freelancer?

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Ah, welcome to Freelancing in 2024. Grind your ahh off to get zero missions, while Employee mode has 6900 of every mission type available with no repatriation costs.

Forget Employee, it’s a waste of time.

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