Helicopter Cargo Transport - Hook Mission [S Grade Skill Issue]

Has anyone been able to S tier a helicopter cargo transport mission? I have come super close, but have not been able to get above 67% cargo drop accuracy. I have landed the cargo pretty much in the center of the targeted area, but think I am maybe missing something?


Same here :confused:

Not yet there but how about the cargo transport mission where you move pipelines from the oil rig to the boat’s helideck?

I can’t get it to work because when approaching the helideck from the oil rig side, the helicopter bounces wildly upwards. Approaching from the other side works better, but when trying to attach the pipes, the helicopter suddenly bounces again.

I’ve tried to be understanding about these MSFS 2024 issues, since the simulator would be a significant improvement (at least from the helicopter perspective) if it were bug-free (beautiful scenery, good flight model, and career mode with missions). But now I’m starting to lose patience; I’m tired of only flying people around in circles on endless flightseeing missions…

I still need an S-level to unlock all helicopter specialties, but I only get an A with low accuracy.
I didn’t understand what the accuracy standard is, now it’s harder to do than landing on a pesticide truck.

Its bugged out i have talked about this with several people about this no one can get about 67% i have tried close to 100 times made 500k coins level 96 and never got it over that. The only thing i can think of if its not bugged we are missing a step they want you do something else when you drop it because its stuck at exactly 2/3. Im still trying everything no quit in this dog haha ill update if i figure anything out


Same here. You can drop it dead centre of the blue drop zone and still cannot get over ~66%… Not to mention other missions where the drop zone is in thick tree cover and you get dinged for hitting the cargo. Definitely bugged imo

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I created a bug report, i hope thats how it works. Can’t unlock Aerial Construction, drop cargo precision is max 67%


I bought my own company, set up shop in the Norwegian strait and get paid 50-80k coins every oil rig delievery atleast im getting rich while im frustrated lol


The sudden shaking once approaching a helipad kinda baffles me too - do you think it has anything to do with the sudden down wash from the rotors? Only thing I could think of was that it was due to going from having nothing beneath you to having something directly beneath possibly resulting in the down wash pushing the helicopter back upwards. However it seems very inconsistent and I’m no helicopter expert so I’m not sure

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Doesnt work

I think you got to go 67 100 100. Wouldnt make sense if you could get above 67 because you would max the bar by 100,000 xp

The sudden shaking is related to a CFD bug where the ground effect of the helipad just turns on instantly when you approach the ledge of the pad. It also turns off the same way. For me that makes helicopter spraying almost impossible. Sergio from helisimmer told Asobo about that back at the Nevada event…

Please vote here

And of course I also have the 67% bug

we sure would all like to continue our helicopter careers past cargo thanks!

It is my opinion that this is the highest accuracy score you can get. I don’t know of anyone getting a higher score. SVEN if you’re seeing this your a friggin butt.