And when you read this, you say no, this isn’t possible. It just impossible that a feature that is being advertised in the trailer, one of the highlights of the new release, aerial application with a helicopter, landing on a truck, HAS NEVER BEEN TESTED. EVER. Not even mentioning that this bug has been already fixed in 2020 and it must have been really, really difficult to manage NOT to cherry pick this fix from 2020 to 2024.
This indicates one thing only: there is just no, zero, nada QA at Asobo. Whoever let this happen, must be fired.
I would like to get a response from Microsoft regarding the helicopter missions. Have they had anyone test this at all? Many of the issues we’ve experienced from the very beginning should also have been noticed if they had tested the game. There are so many simple errors that should be easy to fix. The question is whether they are so busy that it has become a matter of priorities.
The entire career mode, especially the helicopter section, hasn’t been mentioned at all since the release. It would be so easy for them to communicate with us and let us know that they are working on these bugs.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes
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• the Groundeffect is too strong. It is nearly impossibile to’ control the Helicopter
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I can´t believe MS/Asobo introduced this old odd bug again in 2024. In 2020 we had to wait months until it was fixed. I´m sure it will take months again to fix a well known and reinvented bug in 2024 again, that makes helicopter missions nearly unplayable. Landing on rooftop helipads is some kind of Russian roulette. Flying only one time with a helicopter over a helipad would have been enough to detect this issue. So (regarding all the hundreds of other issues, especially in VR) where was the testing before release???
Sadly because of development times, it seems that 2020 was forked 3-4 years ago, before the fix the 2020, so that is why it carried over to 2024.
Hopefully when priorities shift from critical bugs that prevent people from even launching and playing the game into physic fixes, they will find the fix for 2020 and port it to 2024 as well
it is impossible to conduct the oil rig mission as the helicopter wildly jumps up and starts rotating strong left or right while hovering over the ships helipad to pick up the pipelines. i tried it 5 times and each time the same scenario. bringing my heli into a stable hover going to 30ft above the ground → the ground team says they start to attach the pipelines to my hook and boom the heli jumps up 100ft and goes crazy… this is nuts
That’s not an excuse. Not merging fixes from a release branch (2020) to the main development branch (2024) is unprofessional and indicates major quality assurance problems.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes and its impossible to land on the prayer truck there is no way you can even play theese missions.
Another issue what have happened is at a SAR hoist mission in south china where you should pick up a person from a lifeboat its seems the red smoke is creating a uplift or should I say a upkick to the helicopter making this mission impossible to complete.
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This bug, combined with the issue of the mirrors not functioning properly, makes it literally impossible to complete any mission requiring precise landings on a surface. Whether it’s offshore platforms or supply trucks for agriculture, it all becomes incredibly frustrating.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes, Always when approaching a raise platform like that of the refill truck in agricultural missions no matter how slowly or fast you approach the platform the aircraft is extremely sensitive to the ground effect and almost impossible to land predictively
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• Recommend perhaps the removal of landing on the refill truck and perhaps land next to it which is also true to real life agricultural operations
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
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Bad ground effect makes helicopter flights and missions impossible.
Bad ground effect occurs on elevated platforms
Bad ground effect occurs over vehicles (in agricultural flights, you cannot land on a loading truck
Bad ground effect can also be seen when hovering over trees (In a forested area, you can also see how the trees throw and throw the helicopter. Hovering over trees is also impossible due to bad ground effect)
Steep hillsides also throw the helicopter
Bad ground effect CFD is present everywhere, not just on elevated platforms.
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• I would like to emphasize what the previous user commented: it not only happens over elevated platforms, but also in areas with a lot of trees. Small airfields in the bush surrounded by trees. I understand that there may be turbulence in confined areas, but we are talking about relatively open spaces surrounded by trees.
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• You can check this behaviour at Honnan (PAOH), relative close to Juneau (PAJN) in Alaska.
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No, do not remove truck landing, it is very common in the US IRL, and also a lot of fun.
Instead, cherry-pick the fix for the bug from 2020, where they already fixed this a year ago. Couldn’t be that hard. The very existence of this bug in 2024 is a glaring proof of the dysfunctionality of the QA process at Asobo.