Helicopters jump in and out of ground effect when near raised platforms, the CFD is not calculating the drop

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Regarding landing on the truck: I did a few ag missions and my observation is that the bug affects only one side of the truck, probably depending on the wind direction.

I approach the truck almost level from one side, left or right, and if I got thrown up in the air 100 feet and twisted 90 degrees, I land from the opposite direction.


Agree, I tried landing from left, right, front, back and there is clear difference or no bouncing at all. Still does not feel realistic but it’s somehow playable.

Wind will push the trigger point of the ground effect, try without wind and it will not matter what side you approach from

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• I have the same issue. Especially problematic when trying to land on the fill truck in spray missions. As soon as you partially get over the truck, it gives a sudden extreme lift, and sometimes also a yaw.

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• as the original poster says, anything with a sudden change in height, big or small causes this.

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It is perplexing that almost 2 months after release, being an old issue already experienced and fixed in 2020, they haven’t issued a hotfix for this :man_facepalming:


Likely because of the 2 months it has been out, 4-6 weeks of that has been holidays so there is no one there and why the only patches so far have been small hotfixes. Most gaming companies really only get everyone back and start full work again mid January.

Am personally hoping a larger patch end of this month or February, if lucky, mayhap they will do weekly Tuesday patches so hotfixes can be issued though the week, but will see.

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