In MSFS 2020 I gradually evolved from a bush-pilot, to a tubeliner flyer, I was expecting to run MSFS 2020 for at least 6 months waiting for 2024 to be up to snuff, as it turns out, I have only played it once since downloading 2024 (I needed to use PMDG’s 777 for a NRT-CDG flight).
Simbrief has the in-game flight-planning add on for MSFS24 working, Fenix’s 320s are working, GSX is working, Live ATC is working (even their traffic add on is looking good), the new default Airliners are very good, and, the default G/A aircraft are as good as many good payware planes for 2020, this combined with the Career Mode, have got me excited about G/A again. There’s bugs here and there, ATC being IMO the worst of it especially when in career mode, but I’m enjoying this game.
Ironically, for all the gaff that Xbox pilots take on other threads from PC pilots (and not to resurrect that here), it appears to me the PC is the platform that is revealing the promise of 2024. This is not really surprising, except for all the promise that 2024 would be a boon for the console due to cloud hosting, and gamification.
Another good thing about 2024, I can come home from work and grind out three Career Mode sightseeing flights in the time it would take me to load MSFS2020 on my PC
It’s been a few days since I jumped from 2020 to 2024 and from XBOX to a PC. The new game looks great and the bindings at least work a little (on XBOX it’s hopeless), and I’m enjoying things like headtracking.
However, I can’t stop. No brakes. My binding is fine, I can see the pedals moving in the sim, but I have no brake pressure. So every flight is an emergency and most landings involve careening uncontrollably into a forest. If they can’t make brakes work I think there is some wisdom to staying with 2020 for the time being.
Yeah braking action is a wild card. Over the past week, I’ve had it on most flights, then not on others, and with the same aircraft too. And it’s not controller bindings, it’s something in the sim. I’ve encountered this on many different threads and I believe it has already been bug reported. While disconcerting to not be able to stop after nailing a landing in the TDZ, it’s on 24, not me!
2024 is a disaster for Xbox, much more so than for PC, so if it is a result of Xbox-fication then they have a double fail on their hands! I do agree that is an overreach on gamification, which I would gladly overlook if I could just do simple free flights without so many obstacles and rudimentary defects in the way. What we have here does not yield to the simple console vs PC arguments of yore, it is a far more complex and profound miss (mess) of a product launch.
OMG no my friend, and this was a surprise to me too, given all the expectations and hype. The few YT videos I have looked at showing a gorgeous 24 that is nothing at all like what I am seeing on Series X have made me reconsider going to PC. But the real rub is that it makes 2020 look like a cool glass of ice water after emerging from crossing Sinai!
The main difference right now is on PC you can adjust settings to your accepted liking, and on console, users are reliant on Asobo tailoring the sim to their console. And right now, it just doesn’t feel tailored for console, and users have nothing they can do to adjust settings.
The sim came out a solid three months before it would have been release ready. Yeah. Both systems suffer. Just more options to work around some issues on PC.
I would be happy if they just got the core elements rock solid.
Things like solid, reliable streaming, non-blurry terrain, fully functional aircraft, all scenery buildings there when you land at an airport, jetways that aren’t floating, ground vehicles that aren’t embedded in buildings, fuel trucks that don’t embed themselves in an aircraft and too many other core issues to mention.
At least with Xbox Studios productions, bandwidth throttling tends to be less of an issue after a few weeks when player traffic reduces a bit.
MS is historically a little stingy with the server power they provide for a new game and that frequently leads to throttling. This is not unique to MSFS and it does tend to work itself out.
I wish! I’ve combed through everything and unbound the lot. Sometimes my profiles reset to default despite my repeatedly hitting the “set as default” and “apply to all aircraft” buttons, so I’ll definitely go check it again. Man, if I could brake this game would be so fun. I’m really looking forward to the career mode which I haven’t been able to start at all because of this issue.
I can only imagine what the experience would be of someone coming to this game cold. Especially on XBOX, if I was a new player I would try it for 5 minutes and never touch it again. It’s a real shame because the numbers of those players are what helps us keep this game going and keep the marketplace prices reasonable.
100% this. I’m confident the minimum we had in 2020 will eventually be met and exceeded. My biggest concern is all the confusion and heartache this is causing new and casual players. It was not approached from a wholistic pedagogical avenue - it’s instead messy, siloed, and cryptic. It’s a huge blown opportunity and every day it continues, especially considering the holiday season, is a waste.
I stuck it out as long as I could. But I’m done beating my head against the wall on things I shouldn’t need to. I want to sim in VR. Being able to reliably use my mouse to interact with the virtual cockpit, is a core requirement for me. It’s a very simple thing I shouldn’t need to think twice about. Unfortunately, I can’t do that currently.
I’m disappointed, but I’m not going to settle for a sub par experience when I don’t need to. I’m sick of “workaround” methods of doing things. I just want to fly smoothly. I’m heading back to 2020 for the time being.